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Vick signs with the Eagles

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  • Vick signs with the Eagles

    think whatever you want, but the guy's a playmaker. I'm looking forward to seeing him play again at some point. McNabb is the QB but i'm sure they didn't sign him to not use him at all. I am willing to bet he becomes a great player again in time.
    Not helping the situation since 1965!

  • #2
    Sorry, but I don't think he's a playmaker at all.

    And as a loyal Cheagle fan, I will be bringing some D cells to throw at his dog-killing head.
    Blank yo!


    • #3
      I'm an Eagles fan as well and this is a terrible signing.


      • #4
        Well, I once drove past Eagles Stadium by accident, and I think its bad for them, its just gonna piss McNabb off some more.


        • #5
          I'd smash my guitar before I'd hit a dog.

          That said, who am I to judge, He did go to Leavenworth, the woirst of all U.S. prisons reserved for serial killers,murderers, lifers and such.
          Last edited by j4vice; 08-14-2009, 02:02 AM.


          • #6
            Dec 6th, back in ATL(will he play, and what will be the reaction? Remember he flipped the fans off!!!).

            Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


            • #7
              how is this a bad signing, outside of people hating him of course?
              mcNabb was benched for a game last year, more out of motivation in my opinion
              than anything else, and he is taking Vick under his wing. alot of Eagle fans were saying get rid of Reid, or get rid of McNabb too even though they're the cornerstones of the team over the last 7-8 years. they haven't won a superbowl but they've been the most successful team in the NFC this Century, and that's a fact. What if McNabb gets injured? If you can have a Michael Vick ready to be your backup QB, well that's just devastating for other teams. Team defenses had to prepare for weeks in advance when they would be facing Vick. He's slippery, has no fear, and actually has an rocket for an arm. Not the best passer, but that can come in time.
              Vick to Westbrook, bootleg screen, see ya later, it's a touchdown.

              Not helping the situation since 1965!


              • #8
                Totally over-rated, couldn't hit the ocean standing on a deserted island, and a total worthless POS to bring into the clubhouse. I'm not a fan of T.O., but if you're gonna get rid of him, why bring in someone with a worse attitude like Vick, especially when you're definately pissing off your starting QB?

                Thank god the Raiders didn't take him, I would have lost the team I love since a kid...


                • #9
                  has anyone actually seen the press conferences?-lol
                  mcNabb and Vick are friends from a long time ago when he tried to get Vick recruited at syracuse. The guy had 100 million dollars, he has nothing now. He did his time.
                  I hate what he did as much as anyone, trust me. But the Eagles got him for a song.
                  1.6 million this year with a second year option for 5 million. after being in prison, you'll see him turn it around. This is my opinion of course. I'm speaking from a football standpoint. T.O. = Team Obliterator, Vick is nowhere near the timebomb that T.O. can be to a team.
                  I mean, think of Vick in a single wing wildcat offense for 3rd downs for the eagles, or on any downs. He's a west coast offense system player, and the Eagles are known for that. It's not going to happen overnight, he's been on a 2 year hiatus. I think for the money he was a steal.
                  Not helping the situation since 1965!


                  • #10
                    I guess my point is that he suffered the consequences in prison, and the Eagles got him for next to nothing. The upside is huge.
                    Pacman Jones was suspended, Tank Williams, etc. but did not go to federal prison. It's no wonder they didn't turn it around as they had not hit bottom yet. For them-lol
                    Dante Stallworth got suspended for the year with no pay yesterday for killing a man while driving drunk in miami. he won't go to prison, you just know that. and they will not take all of his money away either. If Vick screws up, I will be the first to call myself a moron.
                    Not helping the situation since 1965!


                    • #11
                      Hey, everyone's entitled to an opinion, I guess the Eagles think it's worth a shot...

                      I can't stand McNabb or the Eagles, so it's a perfect fit for me


                      • #12
                        I'm no Eagles fan either, but i do root for a team that also wears green, but gets nowhere-lol
                        What's worse, getting to all those NFC championship games and one superbowl and not winning, or being a Jets fan?
                        Both painful, but you gotta go with being a jets fan as worse. Much worse-lol lol lol
                        Not helping the situation since 1965!


                        • #13

                          I still have nightmares about the mud-bowl with the Dolphins in '83...


                          • #14
                            I hope someone breaks both his legs in the preseason.
                            Its a complete catastrophe. But Im a professional, I can rise above it. LOL


                            • #15
                              ralph, thanks a lot, I'm spazzing out right now thinking about that game.
                              Fukkin' A.J. Duhe!!!
                              Not helping the situation since 1965!

