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Spike Lee's Katrina MOVIE..oh my hell...

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  • #16
    The government did drop the ball big time and it definetly was not a race thing. In the footage you see peoples of all races. The common connector was that those people do not make up a large percentage of the voting population and most were or are on some type of government aid(wellfare). In other words they are not a politician's first concern.


    • #17
      Originally posted by horns666
      Wow Rich, damn that's fast response..better than FEMA !!
      don't be impressed, you gave him a week to respond :ROTF:
      I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

      - Newc


      • #18
        Originally posted by yard dawg
        I want to know why didnt the people just LEAVE!!! There was at least a 36 hour warning of a class 5 hurricane coming. Was it the white man who created that hurricane? I didnt read of any white man forcing the "opressed" to stay. It was the chocolate mayor of the chocolate city that didnt offer any help either. Its stupid to just stay because its your home and you just cant leave it. ITS YOUR LIFE YOU MORONS!!!! A home is just a house. Your life is more important. GET OUT WHEN A CLASS 5 HURRICANE IS COMING!!!!
        Are you a retard? I already know you are bigot. But are you a retard too?
        I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

        - Newc


        • #19
          Originally posted by Jason1212
          The government did drop the ball big time and it definetly was not a race thing. In the footage you see peoples of all races. The common connector was that those people do not make up a large percentage of the voting population and most were or are on some type of government aid(wellfare). In other words they are not a politician's first concern.
          Exactly. It's not a race thing, it's a constituency thing, or rather:

          George Bush doesn't hate black people, he just doesn't give a shit about poor people.


          • #20
            Exaclty. It's not a race thing, it's a constituency thing, or rather:

            George Bush doesn't hate black people, he just doesn't give a shit about poor people.
            +1 The problem is that they waited for ages to get in there, and NO was predominately black. In this day and age, you have to handle PR, and if you're going to fuck it up so bad AND eff a city that's predominately black, don't cry when people accuse you of being a racist, even if you're not. Sometimes 1+1 doesn't = 2, but sometimes it does. One thing you can be sure about, the people of NO don't vote Republican.

            When I think of NO, questions of racism, or knee-jerk defenses against racial accusations, aren't the first things I think about. There's a lot more at stake. Or at least there used to be.

            As for the first responders that went down there to help but were "afraid" because of the looting, there were a ton more more people that were turned away, bus and truck drivers that were told to go home. Why? Because people couldn't vouch for their safety? Come on, Harry Connick was there. Who knows, maybe he had a bazooka with him.


            • #21
              People need to realize that we are all racist to some extent. when push comes to shove we will band together with those who are most like us. Like it or not its human nature, and was essential to survival to early man, and when something like Katrina happens we are going to see things differently. and Gearge Bush doesn't hate all black people as long as they earn over a couple hundred thou a year. vote republican, and love jesus and guns, and support the Iran war, hate abortion, welfare, social security and Hillary Clinton,,,,
              I say the boy ain't right!


              • #22
                I love reading people's perception of New Orleans...even the perception of people that live close by, like Lex.

                New Orleans is unlike any city I have ever been in. You will have the most wonderful Garden District mansions on one block, and three blocks over you have cracktown...sometimes the division is only one block...sometimes great houses are on the same block as cracktown. It is truly a salt and pepper town. Lex mentioned that you can walk down the wrong street and your ass is grass, this is true...but you can also walk down the right street and your ass is never know. There are entire areas and neighborhoods that you just don't venture into, period. Many people that live(d) in the projects never left a 2-3 square block area surrounding the projects. When they were trying to evacuate they literally didn't know how to get around because they had never in their lives ventured forth from their little zone.

                Now, let's address this Nagin and his 36 hour advance call to evacuate. You have to take this with some perspective. In 2004 we had Ivan bearing down on us like a freight train. Nagin called for an evacuation well in advance and it was pandemonium. Highways jammed...the entire city and it environs were crippled with gridlock and panic. Well, I didn't even get as much as a wind gust where I live, 30 miles north of the city proper, in Mandeville....however, it took me 5 hours to drive that 30 miles from my GF's apartment in Uptown New Orleans. Nagin was trying to avoid an Ivan situation, so he waited until it was an unavoidable issue.

                Now, most people bolted before Nagin called for an evacuation. I bolted on Saturday. Many people simply could not bolt. The level of poverty in New Orleans is staggering. People just don't have cars, or cars that can sit in traffic for 12 hours solid...or money for gas for these cars.

                Yes, Nagin had the city schoolbuses. However, it is foolish to think that he could have organized these to get people out of town. New Orleans just doesn't work that way, people. It is hard to explain, but it doesn't. Those buses were the province of the New Orleans School Board and their use would have entailed red tape, trust me..lots of red tape. Even if he got his hands on them, it would have taken DAYS to get people onto can't just drive around and pick people up. Doesn't work that way in New Orleans.

                Those buses were on traditional high ground and I think Nagin just figured they would survive the storm and he would then call them to use if he needed to evacuate the dome....where most people ended up that couldn't leave town. It was a bad call, but I see the logic.

                Now, I am not excusing the behavior of the people of New Orleans, hell no...NEVER. But I understand it. Generations of poverty and criminality combined with what was essentially and all you can eat buffet of merchandise. When the levees broke, the LEVEES BROKE on all fronts, especially on the psyche of those left behind. It was an orgy of ANGER more than anything...a way to get back at whatever forces people believed were holding them down. What you don't hear is how everywhere these looters went, they expressed their rage. They destroyed businesses where there was no need..and they urinated and deficated EVERYWHERE. That's right, they shit and pissed on everything. It took many business owners weeks, months to clean up their looted businesses...some were beyond repair. Schools where packs of looters stationed themselves also were brutalized in this manner. Homes were burned down just for the sake of burning them. It was indeed an orgy of anger and crime...and it was sad.

                Spike Lee? Well, I am curious to see what he has to say. I will say this, it wasn't just poor blacks that suffered. Oh, the news likes to show you the 9th Ward over and over and over..but ALL of Lakeview, which is Orleans Parish's nicest suburb, was destroyed..wiped. Lakeview was about 98% white and affluent. St. Bernard Parish, where there was at least a 50-50% percent mix, but I would venture was a higher percentage white, was decimated. Plaquemines Parish....largely white and hammered...and on and on. This was not a BLACK tragedy, it touched all of New Orleans. New Orleans is still in serious trouble, but we rarely see that now. So, in a way, I am happy to see some focus returned to this city. Perhaps it will do some good..even if it is the product of a little black racist dwarf.

                Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


                • #23
                  I didn't and won't go see or rent any of the 911 movies currently out at theaters, and I most certainly won't see or rent Spike's Katrina.

                  For one, I'm not into that sort of entertainment.
                  I've always had a problem with Hollywood trying to teach a history lesson, it doesn't work for me.
                  Secondly, been through it already, not like many other have, but still, I don't want or need to relive 911, Katrina or New Orleans again. I was completely consumned by all of these events, clued to the television for days even weeks. Especially, Katrina and even possibly a movie about New Orleans will be bashing the political arena's and be mostly racial oriented. That kind of protrayal doesn't work for me, I stay away from it. Its time to move on, you know what I mean?
                  Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

                  "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

                  I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

                  Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by hippietim
                    Are you a retard? I already know you are bigot. But are you a retard too?

                    Your mama's are retards. I just want to let you know that My wife is a minority you waste of human skin!!! Its wise to get to know someone before you label them a bigot. I dont hate black people. I just think they play the race card to easily. Its easy to claim racism when something you think is owed you doesnt happen. I seem to recall another city that got destroyed called gulfport and you dont hear anything about that because there isnt the race card being played there and BTW Ray Nagin called it a chocolate city not me. Im just using his words. He didnt lift a finger to help out with a 36 hour notice then he blamed Bush. The federal govt isnt responsible to make decisions for people. They knew it was coming. Nagin could have helped the ones who needed help before the thing hit. HE DID NOTHING!!


                    • #25
                      Seriously I never considered New Orleans that "Black" of a city. Then I looked at it's population and wow


                      Gary and Detriot I knew (well Gary and the southside of Chicago combined is the densest population of African Americans) but NO I really didn't know had a 67% Black population.
                      I keep the bible in a pool of blood
                      So that none of its lies can affect me


                      • #26
                        He's the mayor of New Orleans. It was a little over his head, no? If I'm gonna rely on my mayor, I might as well just go jump in a lake right now.


                        • #27
                          Just as an FYI, I thought Lee's film was a documentary, no? It's not a film with actors? Am I right?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by danastas
                            Just as an FYI, I thought Lee's film was a documentary, no? It's not a film with actors? Am I right?


                            I keep the bible in a pool of blood
                            So that none of its lies can affect me


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by hippietim
                              Are you a retard? I already know you are bigot. But are you a retard too?
                              Now now..Tim ..calm down ..calm down..

                              There was one thing in his post I could relate to on a personal note. When I used to race to Roll Call..all red eyed and half undressed..the SGT or the OIC would just give you that he was disgusted with your miserable existence..I'm not kidding..

                              But there was a few..who belonged to the Black Sheild club..a seperate union for black cops..We were all memebers of the CPPA ..but we couldn't join their club..Ok, whatever..who cares.

                              Some of it's members especially the president..Tony Ruffin..he was a partner of mine..funny and cool dude to work with..but I would have to waite an hour to an hour and a half for him to show up for work..and the boss is bitchin' at me.."get the fuck out there Zurlo"..I was like "you know who I'm waiting for"..then he would scurry off mumbling..

                              Then when Tony did show up..he came in his house clothes..and went right to the coffee pot..yawining and shit..WTF???!!!:ROTF:

                              Not one word to Tony..not in public anywhoo..he didn't give a shit. I think Tony is a boss now..

                              OK, Tony is just an example here..

                              The police department was alot of fun and it was a real eye opener..we had a mayor Michel R White who blatanly fucking hated in turn we hated him..we wouldn't give his family members breaks if stopped in a traffic violation..that kind of shit..he did a double term and things just went from bad to worse ..he actually had the KKK stage in our garage, against our wishes with full support from the does that look to the public we are serving who is %99 black..not good..and believe me we heard about it..for a long long was on all the news and papers..he fed us to the wolves so many times..that's bad when your trying to earn the trust of the people you serve...and there is some awesome people there..I loved my job!!

                              I took the fire dept test in Aug of '88..ACED it..MUCH better than the police test..I paid 500 bucks when I was poor to take the tutoring for that test..blacks had their own tutoring for free..this is true. Both Police and fire have special "Minority Recuitement Units"..just to go out and get people..

                              Approx 4000 people took that test..I was top 103 on that list with a score of 98.5. Well they only put 50 guys on because of the city budget and well half of that had to be minority..period. The Prez of the fire union called me at home and told me that ifo himself..I was crushed..I was married with out first home and had to remain a lowly security gaurd at a whopping %5.15 an hour..where I made friend with cops who encouraged me to take the police it..then broke my neck and retired..nice.

                              Anywhoo our piece of shit mayor Michal R White divided our police department by race..within four years time most of the black cops went to vice units detectice units..and the white cops..worked the zone cars..taking all the crappy assignment for years on end..all burned out..that made things pretty bad.

                              I loved the job..I loved the guys..I miss it very much..but the politics and the racism was blatant.

                              I rolled with it pretty good tho..Our present Mayor is the brother of my old Commader Anthony Jackson..if you were white..he wouldn't speak to you PERIOD..So I had FUN with that!!

                              Everytime he would walked downstairs.I would be such a pud.."Good Morning Commander, how are you doing today" then he just grunt..Hey, I gotta "grunt'..that's more than anyone else got..the guys loved or white..they fuggin' loved me!!

                              I was a funny motherfucker ..I got along GREAT over there..some of the best years of my life..

                              Now, behave..and continue with your points of view..because I'm am interested..I think it's something that should be talked about more openly..

                              I did that..with the police job..amoung my peers..I would talk about race crap with them all day long..with no fear or reservations at all..I just said whatever I thoughtm and they did know what..They respected and love that and so did I..most of the time we just laughed are asses off..

                              I wish you could hear some of those it should be a great TV show..funniest shit I ever heard in my life and it was REAL!!

                              I think we need more of that..

                              I think this is how you do it..I wished we had more black dudes here. So you could see how this shit works..

                              Spike Lee.all these militant civil rights asses..just makes things hard on pupose, they WANT the tension..why..because it gives them a "purpose"..right??.. If there wasn't any race related problems..their jobs and purpose in life would be at stake, Division, keeping tensions job security for them..I see right thru that shit..because I KNOW that shit!!

                              Put me on a show with these fuggin' guys..I'll show you how to talk o break 'em!!

                              You'd see a bumblin' , stuttering Al Sharpton..I'd know I could get that fucker laughing at himself..I know this!!

                              OK back to Katrina..I just want to blow this out of my butt..

                              NEWC, guys are lucky man..

                              What disturbs me most is this..what Rich said posted below..this one simple, horrible ordeal..with a experience like that..thoughts of "Hell" would be comforting..could you just fucking imagine if that was your family in there..

                              "Those assaults and rapes in the Superdome and Convention Center did not come from invaders sneaking into the damage zone. Those were local citizens who got bored and preyed on their fellow refugees."

                              Fuck "Katrina"..make a horror movie of that.. it would make Saw/Hostel/TCSM look like Spongebob..I wouldn't want to watch that..that's fucking plain SICK!!!

                              Later guys..I gotta bail...

                              be good..

                              Last edited by horns666; 08-22-2006, 11:13 AM.
                              "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                              Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                              "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by danastas
                                He's the mayor of New Orleans. It was a little over his head, no? If I'm gonna rely on my mayor, I might as well just go jump in a lake right now.
                                He could have called the govenor of Louisana too. Bush is a moron but he isnt the only one who made mistakes during that hurricane. Lets pass the blame around is all im saying. Black people in NO arent the only victims of Katrina. Bush dont care about the poor ? Neither do about 90% of the democrats. black and white.

