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A step to peace plan for U.S. No Action .. No Jackson..

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  • #61
    Re: A step to peace plan for U.S. No Action .. No Jackson..

    Originally posted by YetAnotherOne:
    Yes Lev, I do have a number of Muslim acquaintences (I might go so far as to call some of them "friends" but their religion forbids them from befriending infidels). While I haven't lived in the Middle East as you have I do know a number of American and Middle Eastern persons who grew up there. To date you're the only one I've heard sing its praises, all of the others were relieved (at least) to leave.

    As for the problems that spring forth from Islam, Winston Churchill said it far better than I could:

    </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities...but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled,the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome. Sir Winston Churchill, from The River War, first edition, Vol. II, pages 248,50 (London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899)
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Since you're an expert on the Islamic faith at least be honest with the persons here who don't know much about it and explain what mansukh and nasikh mean and how they affect the alleged moderate and tolerant verses in the Qur'an, particularly those in the early suras. I'll give you a hint: "context" in the Qur'an does not in any way correspond with what we in the west think of as "context" in writing and literature. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">AFAIK nasikh means 'that which abolishes' and mansukh means that which is abolished. Prophet Muhammed made statements that contradicted one another, because during his 20+ years prophesizing, he tended to forget certain details Gabriel told him. The problem is finding out which verses are mansukh and which ones are nasikh... I don't see what the point of explaining this is though, maybe I'm just too tired. The way I see this whole issue is, the fundamental laws are always stable, everything else changes with evolution, as is with the Bible. You'd have to ask an Islamic Scholar about this issue, I don't really think about it or analyze these things..

    Also, if your friends lived in Saudi and Iran, I don't blame them for hating the area, as they are the two most Islamic based countries. Had they lived in the UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, or Qatar, they would have probably enjoyed life a lot more, since these countries aren't necessarily based on Islam, the same freedoms exist their as they do here almost. I'm going back to Bahrain this Friday to see my parents, I'm looking forward to sitting on the beach all day drinking beer, while trying to hook up with tourists [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Would I want to live there though, probably not, ideal places for me to live would be New York, Istanbul, or London.. it all depends on what you're used to.


    • #62
      Re: A step to peace plan for U.S. No Action .. No Jackson..

      It's all Satans fault ...he's an A - Hole... [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


      • #63
        Re: A step to peace plan for U.S. No Action .. No Jackson..

        I believe this is what you were looking for:

        A lot of what he says is true, but it really does matter how you interpret it..

        "...It declares that all infidels should be killed or completely subjugated. These later verses, which overrule the 114 peaceful verses, are what drive the current jihad movement."

        I don't see why one verse overrules 114 verses. As he himself said, the earlier verses are the more sacred ones. The Jihad verses may have been added during times of war and hatred.

        "...for fundamentalist Muslims, the most virulent passages of their sacred text have priority."

        Thats because they're intolerant and crazy.. its a personal problem, not a religious one.

        "Likewise, many Muslims view the peace-loving Muslim clerics the way we would view our own liberal theologians."

        Only the poor.. every muslim I know couldn't care less about Jihad. I've never heard anyone say the word Jihad in all my life until 9/11.

        Its a good article, thought provoking, and definitely debate worthy... but like in all religion and politics, there's never a solution.


        • #64
          Re: A step to peace plan for U.S. No Action .. No Jackson..

          Originally posted by Lev:
          Like I said.. thats what they choose. Bahrain is a very free and democratic country, they even have churches all over the place. However, the new king set up a new form of government, where there would be a parliament with representatives chosen by the people, a pretty typical system. So when voting time comes around, EVERY single representative that got voted in is for a pro-Islam type of government. Its what the people want, plain and simple. It might be hard for you to accept, but they don't care. They have strong traditional values, they don't want people like Janet Jackson showing their tits on TV, they'd rather keep their values and limit their freedom. None of us would, but they do, get over it.
          <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">You kinda proved my point there,you're also talking about very small many reports of Americans getting killed in Bahrain or UAE or even Kuwait?????? *Very* few.
          Take a look at Iran recently,the people don't even have a right to vote for who they want due to the Gayatollah [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] forcing the reformists (some 2000 was it?) off the ballots,now is that what the people want?????? And how would anyone ever really know when you don't even have a choice??? C'mon man...
          And what about the women? Imagine if the tables were turned for a moment:
          You can't vote (for the most part)
          You can't drive (damn that would suck)
          You really can't work or educate yourself
          You have to dress a certain way (in some areas you could be stoned)
          You have almost no rights to your own children,inheritance,property,businesses,etc...
          You can't do shit about any of it!

          If you tell me they choose to do all these things then why do the ones that come here to the U.S. do most of the things they are forbidden to do in their own country? Because some of them want to perhaps? Didn't you say yourself that the countries you mentioned enjoy greater freedoms therefore having a more relaxed and stable society?
          Then what is so wrong with other,larger countries following that same model? At least it's progress in the right direction.

          This country was also one of repression on quite a few levels,but look how much it's changed and what has been accomplished in the world in such a short amount of time.

          What have the bulk of the middle eastern countries contributed? Oil perhaps? A natural resource ...sounds more like finders keepers to me,but ok...culture(everyone has that in some form),goods and services...all fine and good..
          but where are any major advancements? Maybe they like to live in a backwards society,that's cool too,but once again there you have don't really have a choice in the matter.


          • #65
            Re: A step to peace plan for U.S. No Action .. No Jackson..

            Yes, Lev, I want to level the Mosques in Iraq, not because I want all Muslims dead, but because the insurgents who are killing the very people who are trying to install a Democratic government are staging their attacks inside the one type of building that we are forbidden to enter under the Geneva Convention.

            As for certain passages only applying during Holy War:
            In case you weren't paying attention, Holy War was announced back in the 70's when the Ayatollahs overthrew the Shah of Iran and called for the destruction of "The Great Satan" - which is the name they gave The United States Of America. It did NOT stop, it's still on today.

            I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

            The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

            My Blog:


            • #66
              Re: A step to peace plan for U.S. No Action .. No Jackson..

              I think a few of you are missing or ignoring Lev's point-Islam is a religion that has changed and evolved details-wise over the years, much like Christianity. A lot of the stuff you guys are pulling up is sorta like stuff in the Bible that is outdated by thousands of years-remember that thread a while back that had a link to someone's call in asking "whether or not I should kill my myself neighbor since I saw him working on the Sabbath" or something to that effect. The only difference is, in the more poor and oppressed countries, a lot of the people don't know any better and eat the propaganda up-propaganda being a slanted view of Islam that fits the radical purpose of whoever's using it. This can even be applied to the Nation Of Islam's (skewed) beliefs about the origins and ideas of relations between blacks and whites and their agenda in the 50s and 60s here in the USA.

              edited for a spelling error


              • #67
                Re: A step to peace plan for U.S. No Action .. No Jackson..

                the first post of this thread is one of the most STUPID things I ever read; he guy who came up with that really needs to get his head checked.

                I haven't read the thread, and I will not do that either, beacuse it will definately make me sick. I recently slowly came back from my somewhat anti-american attitude (that is against the US politics, I still don't agree with a lot of things, but I am not going to enter or start a flamewar).

                I have a couple of things to say to the author of that piece:
                1. wake up: we are not living in the 19th century anymore: the world goes global: the cultures are melting and we should learn to cope with a multicultural society.
                2. the US is simply not able to be selfsupplying, look at the energy problem: without oil from abroad, you will NOT survive, oil from alaska will not bridge the gap between commercial solar power, fusion power or windenergy (nuclear power is not included, because digging it up is even worse for the envirenment than using fossile fuels)
                3. don't you EVER dare to say again "God bless America", because that piece of junk is the least Christian thing I ever read.

                and I can go on and on. I promised myself that I wouldn't ever again post a political post on a US board, but this was too disgusting. [img]graemlins/puke.gif[/img]

                I hope I did not offend anybody, but these kind of things make me sick (oh and yes, I have a really shitty day, so this might also have a little to do with my temper)



                • #68
                  Re: A step to peace plan for U.S. No Action .. No Jackson..

                  Originally posted by nor:
                  The cultures are NOT 'melding', and that is the root of the problem. Throughout history, mankind has generally strived to coexist whenever possible. But, as with any living organisms, sometimes coexistance is one-sided. Eventually the parasitic force will consume its host - and then itself. Or the host will destroy the parasite. It can't be both.

                  Islam does not 'meld'. Ever. Anywhere. Never has. Many European cities are currently learning this the hard way, no?

                  The Islamic cultures create nothing. Invent nothing. Manufacture nothing. They exist as parasites to the rest of the planet. They cannot even pump their own oil. The nations that have broken free of their religious bondage, such as Turkey, have benifited greatly as a result of their secular government.
                  The US could become energy self-sustaning in 5-10 years. The technologies currently exist. All we have to do is convert our autos to hydrogen (in progress). The reason we haven't - is the world economy would collapse. Think the Middle East is bad now? Remove their only source of income...
                  It's not about oil.
                  It's about money.
                  <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Its everything about oil. Peak-oil will (or have) happen , no matter how hard people try to ignore it, and then the break-down of western civilisation will occur (most likely). The "hydrogen can easily replace oil" theory is crap. Everything, and I will say everything, in society today is depending on oil. To produce 1 calorie worth of food it takes 10 or more calories worth of oil. Hydrogen cant replace the petro-chemical industry, that produces everything from food to plastic. It would even take huge amounts of oil to build the hydrogen fuel cells you are talking about.

                  I would guess the US is going to invade another oil-country within the next 3-5 years. The hints are already beeing placed. "Iran has WMD", "Syria isnt cooperating in the war on terror" or "Saudi
                  Arabia is funding terrorism" and "The war on terror will last for decades."

                  What will happen when China decides to take their share of the oil too? It is not a coincidence that for example a reinstitution of the US military draft has been suggested.

                  The problem, though, will in the near future not be about the lack of oil, but rather about the lack of CHEAP oil.


                  • #69
                    Re: A step to peace plan for U.S. No Action .. No Jackson..

                    'The "hydrogen can easily replace oil" theory is crap.'

                    Hydro is not an across-the-board replacement for Petro. But it works for autos, and should be in commercial use within a decade. Once oil is no longer needed by our autos. US domestic production will easily meet demands.

                    "Syria isnt cooperating in the war on terror"
                    They don't have any oil - what's yer point?

                    "The problem, though, will in the near future not be about the lack of oil, but rather about the lack of CHEAP oil. "

                    That's because it's about M-O-N-E-Y, not O-I-L.
                    750xl, 88LE, AT1, Roswell Pro, SG-X, 4 others...
                    Stilletto Duece 1/2 Stack, MkIII Mini-Stack, J-Station, 12 spaces of misc rack stuff, Sonar 4, Event 20/20, misc outboard stuff...

                    Why do I still want MORE?


                    • #70
                      Re: A step to peace plan for U.S. No Action .. No Jackson..

                      Originally posted by nor:
                      'The "hydrogen can easily replace oil" theory is crap.'

                      Hydro is not an across-the-board replacement for Petro. But it works for autos, and should be in commercial use within a decade. Once oil is no longer needed by our autos. US domestic production will easily meet demands.

                      "Syria isnt cooperating in the war on terror"
                      They don't have any oil - what's yer point?

                      "The problem, though, will in the near future not be about the lack of oil, but rather about the lack of CHEAP oil. "

                      That's because it's about M-O-N-E-Y, not O-I-L.
                      <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Syria do have oil, although their sources have started to run dry. They also have strategic value.

                      Yes, I did not say that fuel cells does not work. It is a great idea, and any improvement towards less oil consumption is great. I really doubt that it would be enough though. Afaik, the technology is not good enough to be used for railrods, aircrafts and commercial trucks. Even though cars/trucks consume about 40% of the total oil you would still have the 60% that can not be replaced that easily. With the current rate of population and consuming growth you are supposed to import ~70% of your oil in 2020.

                      This is not a bashing of the US. I dont care if you become self-providing or not. This is a major problem for the whole modern civilisation. Bush is well aware of this, just as alot of other countries. The whole going back to the moon, and to mars, thing is all about oil too. What are the purpose for going there? To come up with better drilling techniques, to mine helium-3 (which will be useless without access to a working fusion reactor) and to make space based weapons (which may come handy in a future war for oil). The war in Iraq is 99% about oil, and 1% about the people living there. I do not say it is because of greed, but because of survival. The whole "creating democracy" part is just a cover. Our western lifestyle requires the rest of the world to be unorganized and chaotic, because a democracy is way more resource consuming than anything else.

                      Too bad that the oil companies dont care. They are as likely to save us from an oil-crash, that Philip Morris is to save us from getting cancer.

                      Yes, in the beginning it will be about money, because drying source will skyrocket the prices.


                      • #71
                        Re: A step to peace plan for U.S. No Action .. No Jackson..

                        Originally posted by nor:

                        "Syria isnt cooperating in the war on terror"
                        They don't have any oil - what's yer point?
                        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Actually the US does buy oil from Syria, its Iraqi oil, but you buy it from them at a higher price.


                        • #72
                          Re: A step to peace plan for U.S. No Action .. No Jackson..



                          Proven Oil Reserves (1/1/04E): 22.7 billion barrels

                          Oil Consumption (2003E): 20.0 million bbl/d

                          Net Oil Imports (2003E): 11.2 million bbl/d (56.0% of total consumption)

                          Lets exaggerate and say that the fuel cell implemention will decrease the consumption with as much as 50%. 6 years and you are out of oil.


                          • #73
                            Re: A step to peace plan for U.S. No Action .. No Jackson..

                            I love how everyone got on the oil kick...back to freedom,to further attempt to drive my points home here is an article about Iran with quotes from their president :
                            Khatami blames clerics for failure

                            Here's a quote from the article which should speak volumes for anyone that thinks the current state of things is "what the people want":

                            "The idea of implementing religious rule through despotism and by force and by ignoring people's demands is the wrong path."

                            No shit!

                            How sad is that? Even the leaders know it's the wrong thing to do,but can do nothing about it either.


                            • #74
                              Re: A step to peace plan for U.S. No Action .. No Jackson..

                              Originally posted by Evol:
                              I love how everyone got on the oil kick...back to freedom,to further attempt to drive my points home here is an article about Iran with quotes from their president :
                              Khatami blames clerics for failure

                              Here's a quote from the article which should speak volumes for anyone that thinks the current state of things is "what the people want":

                              "The idea of implementing religious rule through despotism and by force and by ignoring people's demands is the wrong path."

                              No shit!

                              How sad is that? Even the leaders know it's the wrong thing to do,but can do nothing about it either.
                              <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">And you know that the Peak-oil theory is false because you have done some research on your own?
                              What do you think your government would consider most important? Avoiding or postpone the breakdown of western civilisation or to care about the people in Iran?

                              I have a couple of friends from Iran, and what you say about their government is true. Most of the students in Iran are pissed of because the lack of separation between state and religion. Some of them now even hate their own religion, because they have gotten sick and tired of it being of they way it is used.


                              • #75
                                Re: A step to peace plan for U.S. No Action .. No Jackson..

                                Most of the students in Iran are pissed of because the lack of separation between state and religion. Some of them now even hate their own religion, because they have gotten sick and tired of it being of they way it is used. [/QB]
                                <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">As well they should,I could acutally care less about the oil the point of the whole thing was being told that the people in these countries "choose" to live that way,it's more than a little obvious they don't.And until they do this war will never end.

