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RP150 Demo... W/Rusty VH Licks hehe

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  • #16
    Originally posted by nhspike View Post
    OK, so, seriously, jg, you are way better than I'll ever be.
    Very nice.
    My post wasn't about me trying to say my $99 effects pedal was the best ever, or that I was the best ever.
    And I never busted your balls about anything... EVER.
    I am interested in people that want to share some presets (since Digitech isn't).
    Nice playing man.
    Dont' make me drive down to CT with my 5 kids and hug you!
    We cool?
    Absolutely. I wasn't trying to prove how good I am. There are guys here and everywhere that make me look bad. Its all good.


    • #17
      Let's be brothers.
      There are enough of "them" out there ------->
      It's all good.
      We should chill, have a cheap mexi-beer or three, get shit-faced and jam.
      No harm, no foul.
      Life's too short.
      Peace... (like fett says)
      "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."


      • #18
        Originally posted by khabibissell View Post
        Dude, you are a piece of work. The guy posted a clip and did ask for comments, but you could have been more helpful in your tone rather than flat out telling him you think it sucks. The only reason you posted any sort of helpful criticism is because you caught flack for your comments. In your original post, you came off like a dick.

        Now, since you posted a bit of your "amazing" guitar playing, let me see if I can lend a little criticism of my own. I listened to your first clip and first off, I don't like your tone. The lead is buried in reverb, and it sounds muddy to me, so I can't really tell what you're playing. Your vibrato isn't very controlled (too spastic), and too thin. Your bends are out of tune in places. The phrasing/note choice/quality of the recording did nothing for me, so I didn't bother to listen to the second clip. Basically, it was generic, boring, and didn't offer anything interesting.

        Just trying to help!

        You must have listened to a different clip because the 2 I did with the Zoom were and are as clear as a bell. It was a demo to show what the Zoom PS04 can do. There are no out of tune bends, its not buried in reverb, my vibrato is very controlled and intentional and it certainly isn't too thin considering its only 1 guitar and the Zoom PS04. The phrasing is exactly my style and if you don't like it.. well thats cool. I play very melodic. If you want to critic my playing just go to my bands website and listen to my playing there.
        BTW.. you didn't help at all. Thanks.


        • #19
          Originally posted by khabibissell View Post
          Dude, you are a piece of work. The guy posted a clip and did ask for comments, but you could have been more helpful in your tone rather than flat out telling him you think it sucks. The only reason you posted any sort of helpful criticism is because you caught flack for your comments. In your original post, you came off like a dick.

          Now, since you posted a bit of your "amazing" guitar playing, let me see if I can lend a little criticism of my own. I listened to your first clip and first off, I don't like your tone. The lead is buried in reverb, and it sounds muddy to me, so I can't really tell what you're playing. Your vibrato isn't very controlled (too spastic), and too thin. Your bends are out of tune in places. The phrasing/note choice/quality of the recording did nothing for me, so I didn't bother to listen to the second clip. Basically, it was generic, boring, and didn't offer anything interesting.

          Just trying to help!
          One more thing.... the JCF has been pretty boring lately so I guess I wanted to kick up a little dirt. :ROTF:


          • #20
            I'd just like to say that VH is way harder to play than almost any metal stuff. He actually uses chords and stuff that many metal players (myself included) just don't practice enough to play well. I can shred pretty well but if I try to play that song it will sound like shit.


            • #21
              I can appreciate that!
              <wiping mud off my face>
              "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."


              • #22
                Originally posted by jgcable View Post
                You must have listened to a different clip because the 2 I did with the Zoom were and are as clear as a bell. It was a demo to show what the Zoom PS04 can do. There are no out of tune bends, its not buried in reverb, my vibrato is very controlled and intentional and it certainly isn't too thin considering its only 1 guitar and the Zoom PS04. The phrasing is exactly my style and if you don't like it.. well thats cool. I play very melodic. If you want to critic my playing just go to my bands website and listen to my playing there.
                BTW.. you didn't help at all. Thanks.
                You obviously have alot of confidence in yourself, which is a good thing. The problem is because of that, you'll never be able to listen to yourself objectively. Maybe you need to start doing that... it might help.

                Guitar playing is about making music, which is communication. It is not a competition, which is how you obviously view it. That attitude is probably why you have never really done anything with your music, other than playing in local bar bands. Honestly, I don't believe the studio stories that you have perpetuated in the past either. What better way to make people think you have any sort of resume than say you played as an uncredited studio musician... please.

                There are tens of thousands of players that are a hundred times better than you and are and have absolutely no ego. Actually, the ones that really have "it" don't act like assholes. The ones that do obviously feel they have something to prove. Get over yourself.


                • #23
                  I give up
                  Last edited by nhspike; 11-24-2007, 09:13 PM.
                  "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by khabibissell View Post
                    You obviously have alot of confidence in yourself, which is a good thing. The problem is because of that, you'll never be able to listen to yourself objectively. Maybe you need to start doing that... it might help.

                    Guitar playing is about making music, which is communication. It is not a competition, which is how you obviously view it. That attitude is probably why you have never really done anything with your music, other than playing in local bar bands. Honestly, I don't believe the studio stories that you have perpetuated in the past either. What better way to make people think you have any sort of resume than say you played as an uncredited studio musician... please.

                    There are tens of thousands of players that are a hundred times better than you and are and have absolutely no ego. Actually, the ones that really have "it" don't act like assholes. The ones that do obviously feel they have something to prove. Get over yourself.
                    All the stories are true. I worked at PowerPlay Studio's in Queens, I did tracks for everybody from Lloyd Price, Ben-E King, Brenda Reed, Billy Ocean, The Fat Boys and many others. I have had a few songs on the radio, my band Aftershock opened for Twisted Sister for a year, I had an interview with Bud Krager who was Foreigners Tour manager and we auditioned to open for them for their Juke Box Hero world tour, I was a semi-finalist to replace Randy Rhoads at the NYC auditions for the Speak of the Devil tour, and I was a child prodigy on piano when I was 10. My teacher was Kramer Neuman and he was pretty famous. I played at Lincoln Center in NYC at a recital as the closing act when I was 10.
                    With that said... I agree with you. There are thousands of guitarists who could smoke me any day of the week. Probably 10's of thousands actually.
                    I also agree that I never made it in music although I gave it 100% effort from starting to play the piano at 3 years old to when I had to grow up, get married and start a family at 26. I think I came close a few times but I never got that lucky break. Some of the reason was the fact that I should have moved to the west coast back in the 80's. Some of the reason is that I should of been a better bandmate and not such a anal prick. I was very similar to Mark Wahlberg's character in Rockstar. I just didn't get the break that he got in the movie.
                    Almost everybody who knows me thinks of me as a musician. I have pretty good cred's in the tri-state area.
                    Still.... that doesn't in any way give me the right to bash somebody who is nice enough to post a clip for everyone to enjoy.
                    Sometimes I just embarrass myself with the shit comments I make about other guitarists. At the time I am typing the comment or critique I actually think its not that bad.. then I read it over and you guys chime in and I realize I did it again. Being a musician is a blessing and a curse.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by nhspike View Post
                      OK, your's is bigger.



                      • #26
                        You both stink in your own special ways


                        • #27
                          I have a similar story.
                          Life moves on, and I appreciate you, and the fact that you took the time to type that... to expose yourself to a hostile audience.
                          I've got no beef with an opinion.
                          I'm rusty, but still diggin' the making cool sounds and stuff.
                          My son Jake is my biggest inspiration.
                          Playing the Philly blues festival back in the day was nothing compared to watching him play in front of the middle school during talent day.
                          What a reward.

                          Love ya man.
                          "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."


                          • #28
                            did you know that instictively, or did you see me getting off the small bus?
                            "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."


                            • #29
                              Yeah, JG I appreciate your comments. The "not believing you" thing was just to piss you off... You can be pretty harsh at times when reviewing other people's playing. I know you know what you are doing so it would be more conductive to offer constructive criticism that just automatically say, "That's not even close, thanks for the attempt".

                              When I post stuff, I want people to step up and say, "I don't like your vibrato" or "the techinque in that solo was sloppy" and tell me why or offer a suggestion rather than the usual love fest that goes on in most cases. It is okay to be critical... Its all in the delivery I guess. We are here to help each other...

                              Then again I realize that there are times when people are cocky and deserve to get put in their place.

                              Anyway, its all good.


                              • #30
                                I just got inspired to be a better guitar player by my drummers 14 year old son. Since I am not working right now I thought about giving guitar lessons to all the kids that guitars for xmas. This kid blew me away to the point that I was started question my abilities. The last few days I have done nothing but play guitar. I kick ass at what I know, but it scary to think it took a 14 year old to but the fire under my ass to start being more serious.
                                Just one more guitar!

