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Non-Smokers damn me to hell

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  • #16
    Ex-smoker here.

    You should not take any crap for just being a smoker. As long as you don't subject unwilling people to your smoke, I don't see what problem other people would have with it. It's not like you were sitting in their kitchen puffing away, was it?

    Quitting the smoke is a choice you have to make for yourself. Nicotine is a legal drug, and similarly to other drug addicts, if you're not convinced you should quit - you will not quit. Only your personal reasons to smoke - or not smoke - will count.

    If you're aware of the affects smoking may have on your health, and you're still perfectly content to keep on smoking - that's your choice, and nobody elses business.

    My personal reasons for not smoking:

    1) I save money.
    2) I smell a whole lot better than before.
    3) I can actually feel the smell of stuff now.
    4) My GF prefers my non-smoking me.
    5) My chronic cough stopped.
    6) Colds and flus don't affect me nearly as bad.
    7) I don't wake up in the middle of the night anymore.

    My regrets for not smoking:

    1) I remember appreciating the different tastes of tobacco blends.
    2) A slight nicotine kick is perfect after a good meal.
    3) A smoke break during work hours lets you wind down a little and lets your thoughts go in different directions.


    • #17
      I quit smoking around 6 months ago. I had smoked on and off since the age of 12. There were times when I was smoking a pack of Rothmans a day. I'd quit before, once for almost 2 years, but always somehow started back up. Just recently, I had been trying to cut down, and was basically down to a pack a week, which would mostly be smoked on thursday night, which is the night me and my buddies go out for wings and beer. One day, I decided it was time, and that was it. I haven't had a single drag since then, and never will. That one drag can ..ahem.. drag you right back in.

      I miss it sometimes, like having a beer and a smoke on a sunny day, but I prefer to be a non-smoker. Plus, smokers stink like shit. I know this for a fact. My wife still smokes, and sometimes has one before she comes to bed, and the smell makes me want to vomit.
      Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


      • #18
        Smoking is the blue collar retirement plan!


        • #19
          I quit over a year ago. Started when I was 13. Quit at 30 for about 5 years. Then started again and smoked for another 4 years. I quit because I didn't want to pay for it anymore. I could give a flying fuck about the medical concequences. It was all a money issue for me...

          That and both my kids really wanted me to quit. That helps too...

          As for Nazi Non-Smokers. Fuck them. Blow your smoke in their face and laugh your ass off. If it's legal to smoke were you are, enjoy the shit out of it...

          I hate Non-Smokers that push their agenda on everyone. Don't like smoke? Do what I do, don't go where they smoke. It's that easy...

          I don't drink so you can't get me in a bar. Even if Pamela Anderson was giving free handjobs there...

          Even if you quit, once a smoker, always a smoker. When the shit hits the fan, a smoker will think about smoking...
          I'm angry because you're stupid


          • #20
            Smoke Marlboro Lights
            Cold Hollow Machinery


            • #21
              I've never smoked, and have trouble being around those who do. The smell is just....icky.

              However, I do respect their decision and don't harp on them about quitting (unless they're a friend of course ). I just can't understand how smokers can ever complain about not having any money though.

              If a smoker purposefully blew smoke in my face, I'd probably punch him in the face for being such a jerk. Just because you want to smoke doesn't mean I want to inhale it.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Special-K View Post
                Smoke Marlboro Lights
                I used to go back and forth between John Silver and Marlboro Lights. Those two were my nicotine loves.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
                  I've never smoked, and have trouble being around those who do. The smell is just....icky.

                  However, I do respect their decision and don't harp on them about quitting (unless they're a friend of course ). I just can't understand how smokers can ever complain about not having any money though.

                  If a smoker purposefully blew smoke in my face, I'd probably punch him in the face for being such a jerk. Just because you want to smoke doesn't mean I want to inhale it.
                  No. But because it's legal means you have to deal with it. If you deal with incidents with violence, well, that's your thing I guess. But if you don't like it, don't go around it...

                  And if you punched him in the face, you'd go to jail. I don't think any court has ruled that blowing smoke in someones face is assault. That may be coming but I don't think it's here yet...
                  I'm angry because you're stupid


                  • #24
                    Two packs a day damn near every day for 20+ years.
                    When my daughter was born, I decided to quit.
                    That was 5 years ago. I still get the "urge" in stressful situations, but I manage.

                    As for the asshole non-smokers giving you shit, fuggem.
                    They don't have a clue.

                    As Bengal said...
                    Even if you quit, once a smoker, always a smoker. When the shit hits the fan, a smoker will think about smoking...
                    How true.


                    • #25
                      Winston Lights
                      B & H only wishes they could taste as good. if you prefer mentols go for Salem Lights.
                      camels have this aweful metallic aftertaste. Winston's are the SHIT!!!

                      haven't had one since Sept 17th. but boy do i miss them. my only problem is that i'm always 1 cigarette away from 2 packs a day.
                      Widow - "We have songs"




                      • #26
                        Marlboro Reds since I was 16. I tried Lights and Menthol but can't stand them. Menthol taste like mint (durrh!) which is disgusting in its own right, and Lights have no taste. It's like trying to breathe through a cotton ball. I have to keep checking to see if it's lit

                        I've tried Winston and can smoke them in a pinch, and Camels are different, but not better or worse.

                        Pall Mall = worst cigarette ever made. You wann quit? Smoke those exclusively, you'll quit.

                        And there's a difference between Non-Smokers and Anti-Smokers. The Anti-Smokers are the ones who feel it's their God-given right to ban smoking everywhere. Non-Smokers are ok, though. I got no problem with them. When someone starts making a scene about my smoking (the exaggerrated coughing and wild fanning) I tell them to step outside, there's plenty of fresh air out there.
                        I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                        The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                        My Blog:


                        • #27
                          Marlboro Reds here, also.
                          If a fat girl falls in the forest, and no one is there to see it, do the trees still laugh??


                          • #28
                            As Bill said; "I didn't inhale".:ROTF: I don't actually inhale the smoke. I just get the smoke where I inhale and immediately exhale. I tried really inhaling lung deep. All that does is make me dizzy.:ROTF: I use cigs more like a cigar smoker. Based on nothing more than the secondhand smoke hazzard, I should be dead already. When I was growing up, both my parents smoked 2 packs a day.
                            I am a true ass set to this board.

