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5 year old killed by pit bull

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  • #61
    Originally posted by xenophobe View Post
    A gun is an inanimate object, no feelings, no sudden urges, no mind of it's own.

    A gun left alone will do nothing but sit there. An animal left unattended... well everyone who has owned a dog has come home to unexpected situations... torn up couches or pillows, crap or piss somewhere, dogs are domesticated, but not civilized.

    Absolutely the truth.

    Just as some dogs are grumpy, some dogs are shy, some dogs are very temperamental, some are docile, and some just have that wild streak that you cannot remove no matter how well you treat it or how well domesticated it may act. Animals can just 'snap' like any human, and you cannot tell if and when it will ever happen. I've even seen it happen with my own eyes. Dogs are individuals in the sense that no two dogs, even from the same litter, twins even, are alike. And you cannot control what you cannot effectively teach or communicate with. A good upbringing and proper training cannot effectively rule out the potential for trouble, however it may severely limit it.
    Your absolutely right Xeno..the best thing would have the Earth struck my a huge meteor..and we wouldn't anymore of these problems..:ROTF:

    No more guns, wars..or grumpy little doggies or people ..POOF!!

    "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
    Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

    "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


    • #62
      OMG, Newc! I just saw this! How traumatic! Boy, I'd be mega pissed.

      Originally posted by Newc View Post

      ... Another time I was pinned down by a German Shepherd while he ate my brand new ice cream cone.

      Evil mutts


      • #63
        didja ever notice that the smaller dogs are bigger pains in the ass than larger ones? i swear, it always seems like the litte ones make more noise than larger dogs do. i know that's a broad generalization, but i'd much rather be around larger dogs.

        Originally posted by Cleveland Metal View Post
        If a chihuahua was the size of a pitbull, they'd rule the world. But they're small, and everyone thinks their insane behavior is sooo cute.

        Haha.. For a 2 pound dog, Pico sure "thinks" he's king kong, he's hilarious... I've seen how he will menace the mailman... If a pitbull did what he does, they'd have the cops there. Oh wait, they already are! hehe...

        It's funny, my neighbor have three yappy little evil dogs, and the mailman despises them. He walks by and tosses the mail in their yard and won't go in. Then walks into my yard, and if my dogs are out, he'll go all the way top the back of my house to stay and pet my pitbull and rottwieller through the fence for a bit and give them treats.
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        • #64
          Originally posted by sully View Post
          didja ever notice that the smaller dogs are bigger pains in the ass than larger ones? i swear, it always seems like the litte ones make more noise than larger dogs do. i know that's a broad generalization, but i'd much rather be around larger dogs.

          Oh Yes Sully..I noticed!!
          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


          • #65
            yeah, but your little pico is an odd little dude. he's the only dog i've heard of that's into water sports!

            one thing about the whole "instinct" thing; i do agree that's definitely something that most certainly can vary from dog to dog. my own experiences are with greyhounds; part of getting a former racer ready for adoption is cat (and/or small animal) testing. some will go after cats, small dogs, etc, in the house and some just don't. mine is what's considered cat/small animal safe. but only IN the house. outside, all bets are off. i thought it was interesting when i was told that they could pretty much guarantee that my dog would be cat safe, but if she was outside and saw the neighbor's cat, all bets would be off. she's weird in that she's okay with cats and other greys, but she doesn't like smaller, fluffy, or black dogs. not sure why, but that's just how she rolls.

            pits definitely do scare the hell out of me; partially because of their ABILITY to cause a lot of damage, and partially because there are so many irresponsible dog owners in general that the bad rap is what it is. there's a pit down the street from me, and when i took charlie on her first walk, we encountered him. off leash. scared the fuck out of me, partially because there was no owner around, and here this dog was and i didn't know anything about it other than what it was. he came up and started checking out my dog, and i'm getting more nervous because i know that sometimes charlie has a small amount of patience for that kind of thing, and i was very nervous that bad things would happen. thankfully, he left after a bit, but was always in eye sight.

            i have more of an issue with off leash dogs than anything else. i guess that comes from my own experience in that part of adopting a former racer is that the dog cannot be off leash at any times unless the owner and dog are in a completely fenced in area. i do my part to be responsible, and i get really hacked off when that courtesy isn't extended.

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            • #66
              Originally posted by sully View Post
              pits definitely do scare the hell out of me; partially because of their ABILITY to cause a lot of damage, and partially because there are so many irresponsible dog owners in general that the bad rap
              Exactly how I feel.
              "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


              • #67
                Yeah, idiots have sure ruined it for the breed.

                Years ago, my parents were terified of these "pitbulls" and when they heard I'd gotten one they were freaked. One day my dad saw it, laughed and said, that ain't no pitbull boy (thinking I was stupid), that's a butchers dog, ain't gonna hurt no one. We had those everywhere as kids he said and they been around back as long as he could remember. I'm like, sorry pops, this is truly that pitbull that the media and idiots have caused you to be frightened of.

                He was laughing as Bruno viciously licked him brutally.

                Not to say there arent a lot of bad ones out there that are deranged, unsafe and in the hands of idiots... Just know a lot of what you hear isn't quite true.


                • #68
                  Off leash is a pet peave of mine too..I hate that!!

                  This one time truly sucked ass..I actually tripped and fell on uneven sidewalk while jogging..right as some dude let his doberman out of the car..that wasn't good..I just kept shouting.."Call yer dog!!".."Call yer Dog!!"..that fucker charge at me hardcore..I wasn't packing anything..the dog finally returned to his owner after 30 seconds of barking and snapping at my me..

                  That was a close one..I was on the ground as he charged me, we were face to face as I was getting up ..gulp..

                  Yeah, Pico is a dick..but I love him..a squirel could prolly take him ..he's about the same color and size as a squirrel..but he's gettin' older and his legs are going bad..arthritis.
                  "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                  Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                  "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.

