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Need a lot of tips for taking care of my new RR1 on the way!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by ginsambo View Post
    POly doesn't age like nitro and doesn't go yellow really. Obviously if you leave it in the sun, or smoke copious amount of fags indoors it might have an effect.

    Oh yeah, better make it clear for our american friends I mean, 'Smoke Cigarettes' not 'Kill Homosexuals'.... Damn New World Colonies can't even speak the Queen's English!

    Yeah smoking cigarettes is bad man. Twenty B&H cost me £7+ a day, I think that equates to a £2464.00 a year....or $ all goes towards paying the bankers bonuses and Politicians' expenses, which is for the greater good of the economy apparently yer know! what guitar could I buy for that money..

    ...But then if I spent that kind of money as a one off, I'd HAVE to take up smoking to calm my nerves, in case I chipped the it all works out in the end really, I keep lying to myself.

    BTW, the UK Economy takes £18 Billion (UK Billion) a year from tax of fags, excluding Duty, employee tax and corporation tax.........yet the Health Service bill from smokers is only around 5.5 Billion a year...and they say we are a drain on the economy?....Yeah right, it'd be a third world country without us! I should give them up though all the same.

    Think I will quit and buy a RR1T. Give em up! And the Crack!

    Anyway, thinking about it, if all the legit UK smokers gave up overnight, the Bank of England would have to print £18 Billion's worth of Quantitive easing to compensate the loss of tax revenue, which would have the direct effect of devaluing our currency and rocketing inflation. Unfortunately, the net result of that to me, as a consumer would be to raise the price of a RR1T to around $3868.48 more to buy....

    Actually thinking about it, Value Added Tax and Income Tax would also have to go up to accomodate the corresponding increase in Bankers Bonuses, because the £ will be worth less. So in fairness in real terms, a RR1T would cost even more.

    SO what is the point! No one ever considers the macro economic implications of giving up smoking., selfish gits. Better keep smoking I say. Anyway I digress. All this is giving my a headache, I need a cigarette.

    haha. I am american and gay and I knew what you meant, The only people who want to kill gays is those god awful tea party members

    Stop smoking seriously. They are people in my family who have died from it with cancer...its not fun watching a family member go from healthy one year to frail and a toothpick and dying within months.


    • #32
      Agreed! And today's conclusion of the post is that we all have to stop smoking!

      I thought Palin was exposed as a coke snorting whore recently?

      Seriously, us smokers we do have the battlefield spirit. Like we keep going on, like its not gonna be us that gets it....I was talking to some sixty year old lady the other day about smoking induced ill health and general fatigue, whilst we both drew big inhales on our fags in contemplation.

      She was like 'You know, I had a friend, he said 'It ain't that bad until you start coughing up black bits'' So I says, oh right, so what's he up to these days. She responds 'Oh he died of lung cancer twenty years ago in his forties' Oh well, if the RR1 is still in good nick at least that lives onto play another day eh.

      Worrying about stuff will take years off your life also though, expecially events that have already happened. I think the Buddhist philosophy is spot on - 'All material things you buy with all your hard earned cash and all things that you make with your hard toil will all turn to shit, despite your best efforts to keep them mint'. I think with that in mind, you can but only play the RR, and if something bad goes down with it and you are at peace with yourself and can still crack a decent tune out of the RR, it will not matter and let's face it - you'll live longer too!

      Its like a commercial vehicle. I mean you keep it tip top maintained and give it an oil change every now and then, but a few little stonechips, dents and rust spots are part of the course.
      Last edited by ginsambo; 09-21-2011, 11:45 AM.
      You can't really be jealous of something you can't fathom.


      • #33
        Thanks for all the tips guys, I finally got it and love it!!)


        • #34
          Originally posted by Twitch View Post
          I enjoy tabacco use while playing. As long as you dont drop the burning part of the cigarette on the guitar, youll be fine. Wipe it down when youre done and wipe down the fretboard when changing strings youll be good. DONT put the cig between the strings and headstock. Not only is this inconvenient for smoking the cig, you could burn the guitar. I just pull a Slash and let it hang out of mouth like a limp noodle. The only time thats an issue is when playing the Kelly, the ashes like to collect on the heel. Of course, I dont even take the smoke out of my mouth to snowboard. I can wipe out and not even get it wet. No bull, Ive got pictures of that exact situation somewhere.
          Here you go, the Slash "dangle".

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          • #35
            You'll have to watch that, you'll get mouth cancer doing that or chewing tobacco too often. Me, I like to deeply inhale so I will only get lung cancer or emphasima or some other horrible end. But at least I will look good and won't have any split ends in my locks, where as the chances are that your teeth will fall out. So there!

            Smoking is banned everywhere in the UK now anyhow, but I do find slipping outside for a quick one with women nearly twice my age is still quite satisfying somehow and the smoking ain't bad either!

            I was gonna try that quit smoking drug but I'm afraid it might make my brain unstable.
            You can't really be jealous of something you can't fathom.


            • #36
              Quitting smoking is simple!

              Step one: Don't smoke

              Step two: Keep doing it

