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Diminished scales.......

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  • #31
    Re: Diminished scales.......

    I haven't gotten a chance to try it yet, but I'm going to tonight. Did you play that over all the measures that it stayed on F# , or just the one right before it goes to A?
    Madness Reigns......... In the Hall of the Mountain King!


    • #32
      Re: Diminished scales.......

      the one right before it goes into a as a transition...d.m.


      • #33
        Re: Diminished scales.......

        to me the diminished scale is cool if used rather sparingly.. a bar or two mixed in with the minor, harmonic minor, melodic minor scales. Diminished arpeggio's after minor ones etc....


        • #34
          Re: Diminished scales.......

          Rick, D.M. is exactly right; harmonic minor on F# just before you go to A, a diminished scale doesn work there IMO.
          The progression is too traditional rock
          nor does it use a C# 7th chord to go back to F#.

          A cool way to get your diminished arpeggios into a solo is to have a chromatic chord progresson going from the
          6th up to tonic, and alternate between major and diminished arpeggios. In Em it's:

          C M chord w G E C G C E Arpeggio
          C#d chord w G E C#G C E
          D M chord w A F#D A D F#
          Ebd chord w A F#EbA EbF#

          Ending on an Em chord, preferably with the E below the F# of the last arpeggio,
          but you could go up to the G as well, or play an Em arpeggio and shift to a minor scale for continued soloing over Em.

          There's a similar passage going from Eb up to Gm (using F to A forms, detuned guitar to D) in "I Spit On Your Grave"
          by Sinergy except that he alternates the
          major arpeggios with 7th chord arpeggios
          instead. A 7th chord arpeggio is a major triad with a minor 7 on top, but also is like a diminished triad with a major 3rd
          interval tacked on the bottom. It makes
          the progression feel like it's:
          Eb C F D G, but it's really Eb E F F# G

          Of course, Alexi's arpeggios are much more artfully phrased than mine are!

          Ron is the MAN!!!!


          • #35
            Re: Diminished scales.......

            We'll guys, I can't get the harmonic minor thing to sound right [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img] I think the problem is that I can't play it fast enough. A shredder I am not, and the nerve damage in my hands doesn't help me any.

            I'm just gonna try and do what I can, and I'll see if you guys can suggest anything based on what I CAN play. Thanks for your help.
            Madness Reigns......... In the Hall of the Mountain King!

