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Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.

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  • Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.

    I found this really funny thread on another forum about stupid stuff people used to pull when kids/Teenagers and I figured that we could also use a thread like that on this forum.

    I used to ride a bike with no brakes into a wire fence and then dare other kids to try it too. I'll never forget the biggest bragger getting on that hagard ass bike, driving off, making speed and screaming "THE MOTHERFUCKING BREAKS DON'T WORK!" when trying to break, before slamming face first into that wire fence.

    I also used a BMX bike to speed down a hill while standing on the saddle, I made some pretty gnarly slams doing that let me tell you.

    Related to that, me and my buddies also do a stunt called "Jump off and roll" which basically was us riding our BMX bikes down a hill, jump from them and see how far the bike would continue on its own.

    And we used to drag my old kid go-kart behind a car on a dirt road making bets on who could stay on the longest while driving around 60...

    I also used to be an aspiring skater but after dropping on a vert ramp and breaking my foot, my career was cut short and guitar playing once again became my prime forte.

    I guess that's why I love shows like Jackass, some of those stunts look so familiar.

    Oh then there was that time that I witnessed what happens if you put a five gallon can of tomato soup on the stove without opening it.

    I was at this college party and we were playing this Nintendo game console (the old 8-bit one, the REAL deal baby!) and we all were getting pretty hungry at a certain point, so the host of the party goes "No problem man, I'll put on some soup." He walks away and returns with one of those massive cans of soup, enough to feed a whole regiment, clearly too big to empty in a pan. After a while he comes from the kitchen and asks if anybody had seen the can opener but before he can search further another pal of mine challenges him to a game. The idiot accepted.

    It must have been over ten minutes into the game when we suddenly heard an enormous BANG and the kitchen door flying open. The Kitchen itself was smothered in soup, everything was red. The guy was going "Awh man, I totally forgot that that I put the can on the fire with the intention of opening it."

    The best thing was that the top of that can had lodged itself into the ceiling, it must have been a hell of a lot of preasure because we couldn't get it out.

    And then there's my boss 12 year old son...

    Just the other day, Boy I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it with my own eyes. At work my boss' youngest son Victor came walking into the workshop while being on the phone with a friend and we heard him saying something among the lines of "Okay I'll make a few more coins."

    After breaking the connection he picked out a thin slab of wood before tracing a 20 cent coin and starting to use a diamond saw to saw the round shapes out. My Collegue and I looked at each other wondering what he was up to, asked him about it and he said that he discovered that if you trace 20 cent coins and saw them out as accurately as possible and then sand them down to the correct thickness you could use them to get gumballs from the gumball machine at the local supermarket.

    He then stated that he also used to do that with another Gumball machine at a local motorcade but that the people who ran the place removed that machine at some point. Gee I wonder why?

    My Collegue and I couldn't breathe from laughing. We still haven't told our boss about this, that boy of his is a sharp one alright, possibly a genius but he needs to know where to draw the line.

  • #2
    I blew fire like Gene Simmons.
    Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

    "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

    I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

    Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


    • #3
      We used to do a version of jump off and roll, but we called it "ghost riding". Lots of us got hurt or lost outr bikes to the river when we'd try it too close to the bank.

      Man, if I had a dime for every dumb stunt I did as a kid, I swaer I'd be able to buy Jackson from Fender and sign every fucking guitarist under the sun as an endorser.


      • #4
        Stealing 'Neighborhood Watch' signs and leaving then in a stack at the edge of the neighborhood.
        750xl, 88LE, AT1, Roswell Pro, SG-X, 4 others...
        Stilletto Duece 1/2 Stack, MkIII Mini-Stack, J-Station, 12 spaces of misc rack stuff, Sonar 4, Event 20/20, misc outboard stuff...

        Why do I still want MORE?


        • #5
          My buddies neighborhood had big dips at all the intersections instead of speed bumps. We use to pile 4 or 5 people in the back of my ranger and go flying over them at about 40.

          Then there was driving around throwing black cats out the window at ....... nevermind.

          We used to load bottle rockets into pvc tubes and shoot em at each other.

          We used to put on hard leather riding jackets and full face helments and have gun fights with spring loaded bb guns. They were never really powerful enough to puncture the skin (usually), but they hurt like a bitch, kind of like a paintball gun.

          lol one time about 8 of us got lit up on wild turkey and passed out in an elementary school playground. Luckily we woke up and go out of there just before school started in the morning.

          Good Times.
          '04 Jackson SL1 - Flametop Cabo Blue Trans Burst
          '94 Charvel Predator - Fire Crackle
          '77 Ibanez LP Custom Copy - Black
          VOX AD30VT


          • #6
            putting concentrated soap in the city fountains. The bubbles are endless.


            • #7
              putting bubble gum around your neck...and wait for it to dry

              throw rocks at the windows of a house that is being built (serves them for taking weekends off) ;-)

              rather than using baseball bats on mailboxes, we used very large rocks-we did vector applications and didn't even know it yet...

              the worst-car baseball-run bases using your car after making hit-usually not much left of the field :-(
              Yesterday is history; tomorrow is a mystery; but today is a gift; that's why it is called the present.


              • #8
                I got one for ya.

                I don't recall how old I was (around 6ish) and my dad brought home a box of rubber bands from work. I was enthralled with elasticity on such a grand scale so I decied to tie a whole bunch of them together.

                For some reason I cannot think of this time, I thought it would be fun to bend a paper clip into a hook, attach it to one end of my giant rubber band then secure it in the ground on the side of the street. I then proceeded to walk across to the other side of the street to test my giant rubber band.

                A few seconds after I got to the other side of the street, the paper clip ripped out of the ground and flew at me, at a high velocity, hit me in the stomach and left a perfect black and blue mark in the shape of the paper clip. I'm darn lucky it didn't hit me in the eye.


                • #9
                  when we were in middle school, my friends and i would play war. our bazooka's were PVC pipes loaded with bottle rockets that had finishing nails placed in the tip. it hurt REALLY bad to get hit with them. we had a "ass only" policy with bazooka's.

                  we also took our BB guns and loaded them with knife sharpend twigs since our parents wouldn't let us have BB's or pellets. nothing felt better than having a twig sticking out of your neck.

                  we'd also pick berries off a tree (we called them china berries because our laotian friends had the tress in their yards) and use them with sling shots.

                  for a short period of time, we played war with real hand guns we had taken from our dad's. we would leave the clips at home and just bring the guns so it was more "real". luckily NOBODY was an asshole and really had bullets. that was fine and dandy until the cops saw us once!!!!! then our play area (an entire neighborhood block) was surrounded with armed officers, weapons drawn, trying to apprehend the young camoflaged criminals.....our asses were red that night!!!!! we weren't allowed to play war anymore either.....hahaha, and our parents had to attend "handgun safety" courses!!!!! ahhh, the 80's were awesome!!!!

                  some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

                  some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

                  and finally....

                  i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


                  • #10

                    That's awe inspiring!

                    "Dear Dr. Bill,
                    I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer

                    "OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub


                    • #11
                      well... what stupidity I didn't too would be a lot easier to say
                      "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                      "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                      • #12
                        Once, as a young and stupid child, I smoked a newspaper...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Soap View Post
                          I blew fire like Gene Simmons.
                          My friend and I did this in his back yard one night till he did it into the wind. We used rubbing as apposed to lamp oil. It singed every hair on his head and no matter how much he brushed it you could still tell. Get this though. The story we came up with to get out of trouble was that we were fucking around a weilding torch and that was how his hair got jacked up. You would have thought we were screwed, but his mom said to leave the weilding torch alone. We also had specific neighbors that we would torture. We would super glue pennys over the locks on their cars. Before caller id there was a neighbor we would crank call when ever he would be out in front of his house working on his car. We would call and wait for him to head in and answer the phone, but we would hang up before he could get to it. It was funny as hell watching him through the window from across the street running back and forth getting more pissed with each call.


                          • #14
                            We used to tape M-80's to golf balls and drive them far into people's yards on the next block-lol
                            We also used to line the trees and fire down onto the oncoming Good Humor Man or Mr. Softee truck with wiffle ball bats filled with bottle rockets. We also opened the hatch once on the good humor truck and slipped a blockbuster in there and wasted a lot of ice cream. Mr. Softee got so pissed at us once that he chased us on foot for two blocks with a rolling pin-lol
                            I could go on forever, but i'll refrain as i do not want to incriminate myself.
                            Not helping the situation since 1965!


                            • #15
                              Hmm... where to begin.
                              One of my favorites is taping a bunch (6 or 8) M80's together, tying them to a rock and then drop them in the apartment complex pool in the middle of the night.
                              The shock wave could be felt several hundred feet away.
                              Did a real number on the plaster finish.

                              Then there was the time in high school where me and a buddy put M80's behind the toilets and used birthday candles as timers. (Yes, we locked the stall door and crawled under. We didn't want to kill anyone).
                              5 minutes later, while sitting in history class, you here this low boom and then the sound of water.
                              Our giggling nearly gave us away.

                              I plead to 5th to any other "events".

