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  • Truckers

    We all know deisel fuel is high and the truckers are having a tough time doing there jobs now. What if only the gas tanker truck drivers went on strike. WOuldnt that get the gas companys attention faster?? If they have no one to deliver it to the stations then they will be forced to deal with the issue. Right?? Any thoughts? These gas prices are hurting me financially.

  • #2
    Originally posted by yard dawg View Post
    We all know deisel fuel is high and the truckers are having a tough time doing there jobs now. What if only the gas tanker truck drivers went on strike. WOuldnt that get the gas companys attention faster?? If they have no one to deliver it to the stations then they will be forced to deal with the issue. Right?? Any thoughts? These gas prices are hurting me financially.
    They're hurting everyone financially.
    I think, honestly, that there are enough independent Owner/Operators that could probably fill in the gaps caused by a strike like you're suggesting. Or enough qualified drivers that they'd be able to scab the deliveries.

    On the other hand, this is a far better suggestion than the "gas out day" which is a complete load of horse shit.


    • #3
      Consumers in general need to go on strike. They raise the price of gas and we keep buying it regardless. If everyone limited their driving to the bare essentials for one month I think that maybe the oil companies would sit up and listen. People across the board need to realize that the convenience of a 24/7 society is going to come at a cost and this is it. Now to sound like an old fart I will say that when I was younger you didn’t see much if any traffic after 7pm., traffic on Saturdays was light, and almost non existent on Sundays. Now you are just as likely to get stuck in a traffic jam on a Saturday as you are on a Tuesday. So in conclusion everyone slow down and stay at home!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Jason1212 View Post
        Consumers in general need to go on strike. They raise the price of gas and we keep buying it regardless. If everyone limited their driving to the bare essentials for one month I think that maybe the oil companies would sit up and listen. People across the board need to realize that the convenience of a 24/7 society is going to come at a cost and this is it. Now to sound like an old fart I will say that when I was younger you didn’t see much if any traffic after 7pm., traffic on Saturdays was light, and almost non existent on Sundays. Now you are just as likely to get stuck in a traffic jam on a Saturday as you are on a Tuesday. So in conclusion everyone slow down and stay at home!
        The problem you have with this is that "bare essentials" is subjective.


        • #5
          Seriously though. We only drive to work and home and to the store for food. We really have cut back on our use of gas because its so expensive for us. I like ramen noodles but not for every meal haha...

          Any person who would "scab" for the oil companys should be considered a traitor. EXXON earned 143 BILLION last year. Thats BILLION!!!!! Sorry but I do not believe anything they say. How much is enough?


          • #6
            Originally posted by yard dawg View Post
            Seriously though. We only drive to work and home and to the store for food. We really have cut back on our use of gas because its so expensive for us. I like ramen noodles but not for every meal haha...

            Any person who would "scab" for the oil companys should be considered a traitor. EXXON earned 143 BILLION last year. Thats BILLION!!!!! Sorry but I do not believe anything they say. How much is enough?
            I disagree with you here, only for this reason: the people who'd be willing to do that are in the same position you are, supporting their families, making a living.

            Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the oil companies; I'm as fed up with the prices of gas as anyone else.


            • #7
              I think the tax breaks given to oil companies should be rescinded, which will bring their profit down to more sane levels. But when oil is $100+ a gallon, gas is going to be expensive no matter how fed up the populace. As far as I'm aware nobody has found evidence of unfair pricing, in which case it's just a matter of supply and demand.


              • #8
                I think we are on the Hiway to Hell


                • #9
                  I read there was an unorganized protest yestarday. Truckers were driving slow on highways in protest. I don't think it was much of anything though, didn't finish reading the article. I like this idea although I don't think it'll mean much. Fincially, its killing me too. I fill up every other day - no choice.


                  • #10
                    what is hurting me also is the cost of grocerys. the cost hike is related to the added expence of fuel. truckers dont make money driving, they make money on delivery. slowing down will just hurt themselves. farmers are planting less wheat, so the cost of beer is going up. stock up now!
                    ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Bert View Post
                      I think the tax breaks given to oil companies should be rescinded, which will bring their profit down to more sane levels. But when oil is $100+ a gallon, gas is going to be expensive no matter how fed up the populace. As far as I'm aware nobody has found evidence of unfair pricing, in which case it's just a matter of supply and demand.

                      Sorry but I dont believe this. The tax breaks are 18 billion. Id take an 18 billion loss to get 145 billion in profits. What were the gas prices at the pump when oil was $75 a barrel?? They were $3 bucks a gallon or so. Now we come to $109 barrel and where are the prices?? Around $3 bucks maybe a tad more. Sorry but Im not believing what I am being told. Someone is a liar.

                      The oil cartel spends billions advertising on all the networks. Why would any network do a really negative story on them? Thats shooting yourself in the foot financially.

                      Ive read that there isnt enough refinerys to keep up. Blah blah blah. You cant tell me that with 145 billion you cant build a new refinery? You cant tell me with as much power as these cartels have with the govts of the world that they cant get a new refinery past the environmental whacko lobby???? Come one people. The inflation this crap has caused is affecting me at the grocery store too. Something has got to give soon or it will explode.

                      if i owned a big piece of land Id grow and raise my own food.


                      • #12
                        All of the above statements regarding special interests, lobbyist, advertisers, and the government in general are why it has to happen at the consumer level. All of the other people have an agenda which is obviously making them overlook people like ourselves. In the past I have said that the government should limit the times gas can be sold (no sales after 7 or on Sundays). I caught a little flack because people felt that the government would be overstepping its boundaries. In actuality the government wouldn’t implement something like this for all of the reasons previously mentioned. There is currently a round of congressional meetings to discuss this along with other related topics. It will be interesting to see what comes of them and if any clear and decisive actions will be taken.


                        • #13
                          Gas prices are nuts and they're only gonna get worse. They're supposed to get to almost 4 bucks a gallon here in chitown. Aside from y hrs being cut. I got gas and i didnt have enough for my car payment and i didnt even get a full tank.
                          This is insane. And i bought a car that was better on gas then my Blazer was. But its still killin me. over 50 bucks to fill my tank. And that only lasts just over a week. If i dont go anywhere other than work.
                          I may start ridin my bike every where.
                          That would fun on a date huh? lol


                          • #14
                            Hope you got a big trunk, so I can stick my bike in it (my fav 40 yo Virgin quote). I ride around town to save on gas. It's fun, healthy, and sometimes an adventure. Two weekends ago I went to my friends birthday part and decided to ride since he only live 3/4 of a mile from me. Needless to say I got lit while there and the ride home was a blur (glad I wasnt driving). It took me ten minutes to store my bike and my wife twenty minutes to untangle the mess I created just so she could get out the back door the next day.


                            • #15
                              OPEC knows there is no shortage of oil. What is keeping the price up is the decline in the dollar and the Commodities Boards that are speculating and playing games with each other. The real intent of Futures has been bastardized to the point that it's just a casino. Make my words. This area is the next to get severly regulated.
                              I am a true ass set to this board.

