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I got the job.....

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  • I got the job.....

    I'll explain briefly.

    My school advisor shared a job opportunity to me about 3 weeks ago.
    It was an "IT" Assistant job locally.
    Handed in the resume in a couple of weeks ago.
    Had an interview this Last past Tuesday.

    You know how it is, some interviews you think went well end up not panning out.
    As well as, there are some interviews you think went bad and turn out you get the job.
    So, you really never know no matter how good or bad you just never know.

    Got the call earlier today, I got the job.
    Too cool, I'm very happy about it as well as nervous starting the job.
    I met the folks in the interview that I'll be working with and they all, (it least in the interview)
    some like decent regular folks like myself that care about the quality of work they do.
    That helped me feel alittle better about it to a certain extent.
    To me, its all about getting along with coworkers and the quality of work done.

    Thought I'd share with all you great JCFer's, your family to me.
    Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

    "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

    I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

    Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.

  • #2
    Well done!
    Fwopping, you know you want to!

    VI VI VI: the editor of the Beast!

    There are 10 kinds of people who understand binary. Those who do and those who don't.


    • #3
      nice one. emplyment is great. every hour u can sit back and think to yourself 'god i love taxation'


      • #4
        congrats! at least you can think about taxation while on the clock!
        ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


        • #5
          Congrats! More money for guitars...
          I'm angry because you're stupid


          • #6
            that's always a good feeling. congrats!
            the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


            • #7
              Now you can buy more guitars!


              • #8
                Straightjacket Memories.Sedative Highs...........


                • #9
                  now with your first check, you can join the "Platinum" membership.
                  ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


                  • #10
                    That's just great news, Soap-Allan Congrats!
                    AUDIOZONE.DK - a guitar site for the Jackson and Charvel fan


                    • #11
                      Here's a tip from an old fart. Never ever come off smarter than your boss. If you do, it's a "Highway to Hell". And congrats.
                      I am a true ass set to this board.


                      • #12
                        Don't forget the corn. It's nutritious, delicious, and ribbed for her pleasure.


                        • #13
                          nice one!
                          Hail yesterday


                          • #14
                            Good for you!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Bengal View Post
                              Congrats! More money for guitars...
                              Yes, it has came to my mind already.
                              Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

                              "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

                              I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

                              Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.

