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Any crow hunters here?

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  • Any crow hunters here?

    I bagged a "black devil" today, nicked a couple of his buds...
    "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)

  • #2
    They are annoying as hell, but apparantly very intelligent, as far as birds go.
    "Yes,..that's when they used to shove a red hot spike in your peehole until you screamed "yes, yes, godammit fuggin' dicks..I'm a witch..I am cocksuckers"" horns666


    • #3
      this is too freaking hilarious, I actually called @ 15 of these “varmints” to my house in the woods (with a crow call THIS AFTERNOON) and leveled the Browning B-2000 on them. Nice op for stress relief. Gotta love “whacking” a few crows in the late evening. o.k. enough of my redneck side Gotta rip on the old Jackson for a few hours


      • #4
        Naw I don't hunt 'em. I feed 'em now and again. They are very intelligent. We used to have 3 that came to our house every morning for breakfast when we lived in the country. They were cool. Eat anything too..nothing like watching a crow fly off with a leftover pork steak jammed in his beak LOL.


        • #5
          I like crows. I'd actually like a pet crow.
          Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


          • #6
            I had a great aunt that found a wounded crow once. She kept it and it learned how to talk. Pretty cool......I always thought they were pretty birds.


            • #7
              C'mon man, crow hunting is just about as manly as squirrel hunting, dove hunting, duck hunting, etc. If you're gonna go hunt something, it should at least be as big as you are, and it should at least have a gun too. Now that would be a sport.
              My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.


              • #8
                I think crows are annoying as hell. I am anti-crow.


                • #9
                  all living creatures deserve to live


                  • #10
                    Here are a few choice quotes from the Boston Globe article cited above, for all the owl-hating crow-lovers out there. That's right, every time you provide succor to a crow, you are stabbing an owl in the back. Damned crows.

                    "It's easy to trash-talk crows -- noise making, garbage pecking, egg thieving, roadkill eating, disease carrying, crop ruining nuisances that they are."

                    "They're just as nasty to other animals. Working in pairs, they raid other birds' nests -- as one crow approaches from the front, luring a bird from its nest, another sneaks in behind to nab the egg or chick."

                    "When you're hunting a duck, you're hunting an animal that's looking for a place to hide, and when you're hunting a crow you're hunting for an animal that wants to fight," he said. They hate owls with a passion and respond to distressed crow calls ready to fight."


                    • #11
                      They are varmints, but I dont shoot em. kinda goes against the hunter ethics thing, "only kill what you can eat" and I've "eaten crow" too many times without even trying.
                      I say the boy ain't right!


                      • #12
                        caw caw bang fk I'm dead

                        There's plenty of room for all God's creatures. Right next to the mashed potatoes
                        I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                        The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                        My Blog:


                        • #13
                          Murder.. a group of crows is called a murder..
                          "I hate these filthy neutrals! With enemies, you know where they stand. But with neutrals... who knows? It sickens me!"


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by quiksilver View Post
                            Here are a few choice quotes from the Boston Globe article cited above, for all the owl-hating crow-lovers out there. That's right, every time you provide succor to a crow, you are stabbing an owl in the back. Damned crows.

                            "It's easy to trash-talk crows -- noise making, garbage pecking, egg thieving, roadkill eating, disease carrying, crop ruining nuisances that they are."

                            "They're just as nasty to other animals. Working in pairs, they raid other birds' nests -- as one crow approaches from the front, luring a bird from its nest, another sneaks in behind to nab the egg or chick."

                            "When you're hunting a duck, you're hunting an animal that's looking for a place to hide, and when you're hunting a crow you're hunting for an animal that wants to fight," he said. They hate owls with a passion and respond to distressed crow calls ready to fight."
                            You don't think people shooting crows are really doing it because they think they're saving owls do you?
                            Because I seriously don't believe that's what most of them are thinking.

                            "Hey, I love mice so I'm gonna kill an owl!" Nope, I don't think so..
                            "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"


                            • #15
                              i only hunt for any new Black Crowes bootlegs that pop up.
                              Not helping the situation since 1965!

