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Shit still sucks, and is getting suckier

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  • Shit still sucks, and is getting suckier

    Well here are the pictures from my surgery (nothing gross, no real blood or anything).

    They did it arthroscopically (I'd change the spelling in my link, but it would mess up the other places I already linked it.

    The top right picture, I've got what's called a Hill Sachs Lesion. I asked the Dr. what they do for it, and he said that they put cadaver tissue in it. I asked why they didn't do it while I was out and he said, because they didn't know it was there until they got in there, and that he didn't want me to wake up with some dead guys tissue in me with my shoulder cut wide open.

    What bothers me about this, is I may need yet another damn surgery (we just have to see how this hill sachs lesion goes, what happens with it, if it's engaging and shit like that). I signed a fucking paper saying that the damn doctor could fix anything that was wrong with me, and that if they found something, they could fix it too...and they didn't. I almost want to find out if I have legal recourse.

    I'd have to go through another surgery, more lost time off of work, and more rehab. I can tell you, after wearing a sling for a month, I could care less if I ever see one again!

  • #2
    That does suck! Hope it works out for you.
    Whataya Mean I Don't Support The System? I Go To Court When I Have To!


    • #3
      Yeah it sucks but look at it this way-at least youre getting this stuff out of the way when youre young instead of when youre an old man and not as able to recover from it as easily. Things will pan out, dont worry!


      • #4
        Good luck.


        • #5
          This definitely sucks ass and I feel bad for you. You absolutely have every right to be pissed and to vent. But having said that, I can understand his reasons for not performing the surgery for the Hill Sachs lesion. It's not an arthroscopic procedure and it requires the use of cadaver tissue. There are probably some very specific waivers that need to be signed due to a completely different set of risks and potential complications than what you were facing with just the scope. For example, there are rare cases of some pretty bad diseases, including HIV, being transmitted via improperly processed cadaver tissue. The doctor and the hospital have to cover their asses. I guarantee that more people would have wanted to sue if he had gone ahead & cut them open & put in the cadaver tissue in without consulting them, even if the outcome was perfect. It sucks, but there are very few things in medicine that go like clockwork. Not trying to argue or piss you off more, and I hope this ends up with you feeling great and good as new!


          • #6
            That totally blows dude. I hope the shoulder heals nice for you.


            • #7
              Deneb, sorry I missed the first part of this (I think), so maybe this has been covered...but why are they wanting to use cadaver? I had a graph 9 years ago for a large, severe burn and I was given the choice of cadaver or taking the donor tissue from my own thigh. I opted for my own. Anyway, maybe it's something to consider and talk to the doc about, either way best of luck and hope it all works out for you.
              How do you think we fund this organization? We're not exactly the March of Dimes.


              • #8
                Rollin, the Dr. suggested cadaver tissue, because he knows I am active, and the choice is, take the tissue from me knees, or from a dead guy.

                Personally, I don't want the surgery at all and I'm hoping for the scar tissue.

