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anaconda indigestion

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  • anaconda indigestion

    whoa ...
    “But does it help with the blues rock chatter?"-Hellbat

  • #2
    I've been working with snakes for years and have seen a lotta crazy stuff before, but nothing like that


    • #3
      Where are Ice Cube and J-Lo when you need them?

      MakeAJazzNoiseHere: You kidding me? I'd suck her fartbox dry in a heartbeat. 9/29/2011 quote about Megan Fox


      • #4
        Oh yeah, I've seen snakes eat entire elks.
        You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


        • #5
          Here is an email my wifes mom sent me:

          A guy in St. Louis was driving to work on Hwy 144 when he heard a 'pop'. He thought it sounded like a flat tire, though his ride wasn't affected. After pulling over, checking the tires and finding them intact he opened the hood to find a rather large obstruction in/on the motor.



          • #6
            that is insanity. holy Crap!


            • #7
              Good lord.


              • #8
                Ah man, that's so sad. Usually no one cares, but I love snakes and that's just an unfortunate situation. On the other hand I'd hate to have to be the guy to clean that up


                • #9
                  That's some sick shit! (the Anaconda)...puking up a meal like that would've sustined it for a few months +. When you think about it in comparison, humans are a mere snack for these things. Especially unsuspecting children playing in the water.

                  As for the poor Boa that got cooked on that Acura engine block...poorthat totally looked like a beautiful snake. Yeah....I'd hate to be the one to scrape that off my engine.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by FirebirdZ
                    As for the poor Boa that got cooked on that Acura engine block...poorthat totally looked like a beautiful snake. Yeah....I'd hate to be the one to scrape that off my engine.
                    If that were your snake, you could have just added a little blue paint and finished my Dinky by now! :ROTF:
                    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                    • #11
                      I fucking hate snakes. Besides alligators, snakes are about the only thing on the planet I'm afraid of. They just freak me out.

                      Years ago I was watching those sick ass movies, "The Faces Of Death". This 17 year old kid in Arizona, IIRC, opened the cabinet below the kitchen sink and was bit by a King Rattler.

                      When the emergency team got to the house there was something 30 of those fucks in there and biting this kid. Fucking horrible!! Those bloody snakes were massive too. I've never seen Rattle Snakes anywhere near that big before.

                      It looked like big black burns all over his body were the snakes bit him.

                      Also, I have these pics somewhere of a python or boa in the Philippines that took a kid and swallowed him. They showed the snake with the buldge then the kid still in the snake when they split it open.

                      Filthy creatures, IMO.
                      Whataya Mean I Don't Support The System? I Go To Court When I Have To!


                      • #12
                        Years ago I was watching those sick ass movies, "The Faces Of Death". This 17 year old kid in Arizona, IIRC, opened the cabinet below the kitchen sink and was bit by a King Rattler.
                        Ok..that one was fucked up...and it sucks that it happened, but the reason all those rattlers were in one spot, means it's where they used to den BEFORE the house was built there. Snakes are lifelong "residents" of where they den, even if it means sharing a residence with a human!

                        On the Philipines snake....I just said that...that's what these things do. If there's prey they can take, ONLY if they are hungry (they are NOT opportunistic BTW) they will...even if it IS a human.

                        It's nature....we're lower on the food chain than they arein SOME cases. I'm deathly afraid of being bitten by a shark, but they still amaze me to the point of awe and I'd still like to do the cage thing with them.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by toejam
                          If that were your snake, you could have just added a little blue paint and finished my Dinky by now! :ROTF:
                          If it were my would've already had it's blue paint on it, and a nice smeared and 1/2 sanded off coat of lacquer but cooked on my engine block...LOL!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by toejam
                            If that were your snake, you could have just added a little blue paint and finished my Dinky by now! :ROTF:


                            • #15
                              A big problem right now ia all the assholes who go buy these snakes when they still a managable size and end up turning em loose when they get really big and they get tired of taking care of em. its getting to be really bad in So. FL, I saw where they caught a 10 footer and put a homing beacon chip in it, and returned it to where they caught it. a week or so later they tracked it and found 10 other boas with him.
                              I'll catch a wild snake here every now and then, either a king. corn or rat snake and put em in a large aquarium I have set up as a snake habitat, they actually get to the point where I can handle em quite easily, and the kids get a kick out of feeding em live mice (sick little buggers) I return em to the wild in the fall making sure they have eaten enough for a week or so. but thats a completely different thing than introducing a non native species into the environment.
                              I say the boy ain't right!

