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How Healthy are You People (seriously)

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  • How Healthy are You People (seriously)

    how many of you work out, don't smoke, are concerned with diet, and the removal of toxins from your body and stuff like that? yes, this is me talking. just curious because i am onto something and some feedback would really help. this could really help me out believe it or not.
    Not helping the situation since 1965!

  • #2
    Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

    humm, sorry not me. I'm lucky weight wise. 5'8" 160.
    Drink, smoke, stopped working out (bad back)
    The only way I remove my toxins is pissing or crapping.
    Wish I could help


    • #3
      Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

      I don't smoke, don't drink alcohol, and don't drink pop or soda. I get plenty of sleep every night (usually 8-10 hours), and try to pay attention to what I eat. The only things I drink are water, soymilk, one daily cup of coffee, and an occasional juice. I don't work out, but I'm plan to get into the habit of doing so, along with starting up some matrial art practice again.


      • #4
        Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

        no problem finn.
        Not helping the situation since 1965!


        • #5
          Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

          how about toxin removal, are any of you into that sort of thing?
          Not helping the situation since 1965!


          • #6
            Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)


            I'm 5'11"...240 ...smoke (but no more weed, and don't drink at all) Used to work out, and felt a lot better than I do lately. I drink gallons (literally) of water a day...maybe a soda at night, but not every night. I had to cut back my caffeine consumption due to high BP, which I have under control now.


            • #7
              Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

              Well, I piss and shit as needed.


              • #8
                Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

                Just joined a gym....


                • #9
                  Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

                  Do you really wanna know? Haha! Ready? [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                  I take my health VERY seriously, so much so that I went to school for a Masters degree in Herbal Science so I could counsel other people on how to be healthy.
                  I'm a natural health nut.
                  I eat very healthy, was vegetarian for years but added non-red meat slowly back into my diet when I was carrying my firstborn. Now I eat meat moderately (about once a week) and its usually fish. My diet is varied, mostly fruits, vegetables and grains and pasta.
                  I switch between Yoga and Pilates daily, jump rope and ride my bike three times a week and play various sports when I can (raquetball, soccer and volleyball are my favs and so is freeze tag!).
                  I have way too much energy so I have to get it out somehow. Jumping around with a guitar is fun too. [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
                  I'm obsessed with clean water and clean air and I don't smoke and only drink occaisonally. There.

                  I could go on... but I would bore you to tears. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]



                  • #10
                    Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    how about toxin removal, are any of you into that sort of thing?

                    [/ QUOTE ]

                    Yes, I do this with diet and herbs. You have to be careful here... it depends on the method. You need to be sure your body can handle whatever method you employ.


                    • #11
                      Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

                      I haven't worked out seriously since I was 20 and a bodybuilder. I've been out of the USMC for four years now, and I'm about 15 lbs short of my fighting weight. I am not nearly as strong as I was, but still stronger than just about anyone I know in the civilian world. I am vegetarian, and by most standards VERY picky about what I eat. I quit smoking six years ago, but I still smoke the weed. I haven't done any "serious" drugs in a few years. I still love hiking, and am still in great shape by most people's standards, but far from my best. I drink, maybe a LITTLE too much sometimes, but not too bad. For detoxing try a raw foods diet for a few days. I really don't think I build up that many toxins in the first place. When I feel "off" I drink Spicy Hot V8, tea, and LOTS of water. I also eat a lot of Indian food.
                      Tale of the tape:
                      180 lbs


                      • #12
                        Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

                        hmmmm.... Used to smoke a pack or so a day back in college.... Quit that and started on Cigars when the mood hits me. Still drink.... I likes my Tequila and Weller Whiskey. [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] The wife and I go to the gym to work out 2-3 times a week. Used to be a lot stronger in college on the "juice"..... My current playing stats..... 5'10" and 220-225lbs depending on the salt intake from the Tequila. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                        • #13
                          Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

                          roadwork [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] I run then chill in the jacuzzi for a while. I used to play hockey a few times a week and that helps a lot plus its a blast. I try to eat healthy stuff but it doesn't always work like that. I don't smoke cigs, don't drink the hard stuff but I do like beer [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


                          • #14
                            Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

                            I watch what I eat. I like to see the look on their face.
                            I don’t eat vegetables that often. It’s hard to get them out of their wheelchairs.
                            I poo everyday that I go to work. I like getting paid while on the toilet. Weekends are a pain.
                            I still wake up with morning wood, so I must be doing alright.
                            ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


                            • #15
                              Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

                              <font color="aqua">Quite honestly tommy I have been on a kick for awhile lately on getting healthier. I had a heart scare about 1 year ago (I'm 38) and I've been on a treadmill workout for about 6 months now. I lost 20 lbs. so far but I still drink like a fish and have a little bud now and again. I'm feeling a lot better and have also started eating a lot more salad and drinking A LOT of water and it makes a huge difference in how I feel. I'm not into the toxin removal (why would I be? [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]) but I'm sure it's probably a good idea if the toxins are excessive. [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] </font>
                              Dave ->

                              "would someone answer that damn phone?!?!"

