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Adder Plus Pickup Review

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  • Adder Plus Pickup Review


    I recently purchased a set of humbuckers for my SL2H based on the recommendation of fellow-JCF'r Holycross1. Well, HOLYSH!T - these things are INCREDIBLE! The company, which most of you have never heard of, is Adder Plus Corp. The company founder, Mel Lace, is responsible for the original design of Fender's Lace Sensor pickups. Thing is - according to Mel - the design was half-stolen from him by his brother, which resulted in the Lace Sensors being a half-assed pickup. Ask Mel for the full story. Anyway...

    Check out the pic below. The APC's fit perfectly in place of my SL2H's stock SD JB and 59. Look pretty much like EMGs. But that's where the EMGs stop and the APCs start. No comparo - the APCs have LOUDER, CLEANER output, moreso than the EMGs (p.s. I used to own a DK1 with the EMGs). They sound gorgeous through my Marshall 30th Anny/1960AV setup. They just drive the amp SO #%&$% hard. The cleans are not single-coil quality, but definitely cleaner than your standard bucker. Crunch is just that - MAX crunch. I don't have access to something like a Mesa Triple Rec or Diezel, but I can only assume that you hard-core metal guys would LOVE the APC's thru those kinds of amps. Finally, soloing thru the 30th's lead channel is abso-#%&@&@-lutely unbelievable! Sustain forever, feedback on demand. Tone heaven dudes!

    These pickups are really cool - you can actually hear the individual strings while strumming at max gain settings. It's almost like the pickups are load-balancing the individual string output. I mentioned this to Mel, and he laughed - "Yeah, that's how we engineered them" he said. He says the magnetic pull is minimal - basically nothing compared to other high output pickups. Oh, dead quiet too!

    Guys, I wish I could provide some sound samples. I fired up my Korg D1600 after 6 months of non-use, and the #(&%^# was dead. No clue - will have to call Korg tomorrow. As soon as I figure out what's wrong, I'll post some sound bytes. The thing starts to boot, then just stalls.

    If you have any questions guys, just ask. I know most of you out here swear by one brand and/or one model of pickup. I'm telling ya, these are worth a shot. If you don't like 'em, send them back and Mel will give you a refund.

    Just open your mind...and your ears...there IS something better out there...

    Hopefully, sound bytes in a few days...

    "You are so stupid that I am surprised you have not collapsed into a singularity of stupidity." - Anon

  • #2
    Re: Adder Plus Pickup Review

    Oops, forgot to mention something. The pickups themselves are kinda tall. I had to route a quarter inch out of the neck pickup cavivity in order to get the pickup to sit low and flush with the pickup mounting ring.
    "You are so stupid that I am surprised you have not collapsed into a singularity of stupidity." - Anon


    • #3
      Re: Adder Plus Pickup Review

      Awesome, I can't beleive somebody actually got to buy some. I found an email for them and it took months and months to get a reply and I'm still waiting for something in the mail.

      How did you buy them? Which ones did you get? Are they battery driven or not?


      • #4
        Re: Adder Plus Pickup Review

        May we please see the website address? [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

        Another question: Are they active? If so, they seem to be rather far away from the strings in your picture.



        • #5
          Re: Adder Plus Pickup Review


          The Adder Plus web site is Call them - I went the email route at first too and got nowhere. I don't think Mel answers his email...

          Oops - another important thing I forgot to mention - they're passive pickups - no stupid battery needed.

          I had to wait about 3 months to get them - Mel and his wife were both having health problems. He's back on track now, and has hired some additional personnel. He says he's now shipping in 2 weeks or less.
          "You are so stupid that I am surprised you have not collapsed into a singularity of stupidity." - Anon


          • #6
            Re: Adder Plus Pickup Review

            Oops yet again. The models. The neck is a Persuader Lead, the bridge is a Persuader Lead Custom (more output).
            "You are so stupid that I am surprised you have not collapsed into a singularity of stupidity." - Anon


            • #7
              Re: Adder Plus Pickup Review

              Interesting! May have to check them out!! Thanks for the website link. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


              • #8
                Re: Adder Plus Pickup Review

                Number of the Priest,

                The website is not too informative, and there's no sounds samples. Call Mel - he LOVES to talk and will answer all your questions. His toll-free is 800-423-3378.
                "You are so stupid that I am surprised you have not collapsed into a singularity of stupidity." - Anon


                • #9
                  Re: Adder Plus Pickup Review

                  What kind of $$ are we talking here? I recently got my EMG set (81 & 85) for $25 each used, so even if the Adders blow the EMGs away, if they are ridiculously priced, it's a dead deal for this cheapskate! [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

                  IIRC from the last time these were discussed they were pricey.
                  "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                  • #10
                    Re: Adder Plus Pickup Review

                    It's been so long since I paid for them, and I can't find the receipt. But it was on the higher side - around $80 each if I recall correctly.
                    "You are so stupid that I am surprised you have not collapsed into a singularity of stupidity." - Anon


                    • #11
                      Re: Adder Plus Pickup Review

                      If Mel reads this thread I bet the pickups will experience a mysterious price hike! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                      "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                      • #12
                        Re: Adder Plus Pickup Review

                        LOL!!! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                        Wait, don't you have to be registered to even view the JCF now? [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

                        Still... [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] The JCF is providing me with some good laughs tonight. [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                        • #13
                          Re: Adder Plus Pickup Review

                          Pete is right on. I couldn't have said it better myself. I have talked about these pickups periodically over the last couple of years but I am not quite as good aspete is about putting his thoughts into words.
                          I made the mistake of selling my guitars with the pickups in them a while back, and when I replaced the guitars I hated my tone because I knew there was more and had known better. All my freinds said I was crazy. They thought I was making it up just to have one up on them.
                          Well I got my pick ups in and loaded in my fusion first and now they want sets for their guitars. They play Fenders, Gibsons, Ibanez, you name it and they play something else. I'm the only Jackson devotee in this area that I know of.When we pluged into an Uberchall head on a Ecstacy cabinet they were flat out blown away.I could actually crank the gain all the way up and still retain string definition. The comments that I keep getting on them is that they are so musical that you just want to keep playing.
                          I own a Vox Valvetronix that I bought when they first came out and It sounds amazing, but these pickups love tubes. On a Randall solidstate amp the headroom was%$@# amazing.
                          My next project is a Charvel Model 3a that I was going to put 2 humbuckers in which I bought to go on a custom 5 way for PRS combinations, but I just got a mahogoney body for my fusion that is routed for two humbuckers. So I will probably put the HSS combination that is in my fusion in my dinky standard and put my sss set in the Charvel. I tinker to damn much but I just cant stop.
                          Call Mel and talk to him, order the set that best suits your needs. He is a great listener and really gives a **** what his product sounds like before it goes out the door.
                          [img]graemlins/band.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
                          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
                          A tooth for a tooth means we all eat through a straw.


                          • #14
                            Re: Adder Plus Pickup Review

                            Has anyone from this board checked into these pickups since our last post?
                            An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
                            A tooth for a tooth means we all eat through a straw.


                            • #15
                              Re: Adder Plus Pickup Review

                              If I'm not mistaken didn't Adder make a thing in the early 90s that you could put over top single coil pickups, changing the tones?

