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Snow White DK2 Dinky -- Year ??

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  • Snow White DK2 Dinky -- Year ??

    Hey Guys. Trying to help a guy out.
    A fella over at Another Forum has been waiting a few days for the Green Light to join JCFOnline.
    He is looking for help to decode the SN on the
    Neck Plate.
    One finding was 1998. Another was 2009.
    He is almost Positive it was given to him in
    1998 // 1999.

    One thing is, he finds it could be 2 different years.
    The other thing is, the Snow White availability.
    It was a Gift to him way back, and it is in Mint Condition.

    The SN is


    ANY and ALL info would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!

    Thank You For Stooping By.

  • #2
    As always, the best way to determine the date is to disassemble the neck from the body, and look for date stamps in the neck pocket and on the neck heel. As an example, my 2009 KE3 stamps are below, indicating 2009 manufacture and that the neck actually comes from a DK2S, not a KE3 neck. My serial number plate reads 9xxxxxx and clearly has nothing to do with the actual manufacture dates.

    Barring that, keep in mind the 9xxxxxx Japanese serial numbers were sequential, and not indicative of the year in which the guitar was made.

    Prior to 2006 those Japanese Pro Series Jacksons had chrome hardware and Duncan Designed pickups. From 2006-2011, they had black hardware and Seymour Duncan pickups. So if you're afraid of removing the neck, and are satisfied just knowing what "era" to which the guitar belongs and not the precise year, use the hardware color and pickup choices to get a broad idea.
    Last edited by Number Of The Priest; 11-02-2021, 11:25 PM.


    • #3
      Number Of The Priest

      Thanks for that!!

      I had completed forgotten about that, and I did that with the JSX.


      • #4
        Mudlark's list puts it after December 2009, so 2009 is possible but 2010 is more likely.

        But, for the life of Christ, never use the online decoders for Jackson.

        *and I think JCF needs to send them a cease and desist letter. I think the decoder is doing more damage than the misunderstanding that a 98=1998 ever did.


        • #5
          Thank You pianoguyy !
          I told him the SN us deceiving. He was referred to JCFOnline to get experienced guidance by myself and 3 others.

          He still has not been given the Green Light to join.
          IIRC, today is Day 5 with no response.

          He has decided that, Yes, it is most likely a 2009.


          • #6
            He has also said he could have sworn he got it prior to 2000. Admitted he was most likely mistaken.

            Was going to ponder selling, but as of now, will hold on to it.

            BIG THANK YOU TO.YOU ALL!!!


            • #7
              What do you mean "green light to join JCF"? Is he awaiting his account to be activated? Maybe contact toejam or another admin for help.


              • #8
                I remember one time they had a sale on those for like 350. it must of been 2009-10. Pretty sure it was musicians friend?
                Joe is the only admin on here, I think?
                I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by john.w.lawson View Post
                  Joe is the only admin on here, I think?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Number Of The Priest View Post
                    they have had a lot I know, most of those people don't come on here anymore
                    I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Number Of The Priest View Post
                      What do you mean "green light to join JCF"? Is he awaiting his account to be activated? Maybe contact toejam or another admin for help.

                      Awaiting Confirmation to join.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by JJ119 View Post
                        Hey Guys. Trying to help a guy out.
                        A fella over at Another Forum has been waiting a few days for the Green Light to join JCFOnline.
                        He is looking for help to decode the SN on the
                        Neck Plate.
                        One finding was 1998. Another was 2009.
                        He is almost Positive it was given to him in
                        1998 // 1999.

                        One thing is, he finds it could be 2 different years.
                        The other thing is, the Snow White availability.
                        It was a Gift to him way back, and it is in Mint Condition.

                        The SN is


                        ANY and ALL info would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!

                        Thank You For Stooping By.

                        Does it have a maple fretboard?
                        I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.


                        • #13
                          Sorry it took a while to reply.



                          • #14
                            Hi everyone. I am finally able to post. Found my confirmation email in my spam.
                            just read this entire thread.
                            im not too keen on taking the neck off to check the date. My curiosity about this is strong, but not that strong. I have a general era was to when my guitar was built. And that’s good enough for now.

                            thank you all for the help. Especially JJ119.. you were a great help.
                            Last edited by LiveeviL2000; 11-09-2021, 05:21 AM.

