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Japanese DK2M love. A guitar suggested by JCF to Jackson themselves? Backstory?

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  • Japanese DK2M love. A guitar suggested by JCF to Jackson themselves? Backstory?

    What's the backstory on this?

    Originally posted by RacerX View Post
    Another reason for all the DK2M love is that it was us here on the JCF that suggested it to Jackson oh those many years ago.
    I admit I was largely absent from the JCF from the mid/late-2000s up until about 2016, so I wasn't really around when the DK2M had its production run (2006-2010???), but was aware that these were a very well-received variant of the DK2. However, what I must have missed is where Ron says that JCF suggested the DK2M to Jackson prior to production. I'm searching the "DK2M" keyword to try and find the backstory but am not finding anything. We know Ron has a mind like an elephant and never forgets anything, so I'm not doubting him... but where's/what's the backstory?

    I only remember the similar-ish DK2LE which definitely WAS a collaborative JCF brainchild that got produced when I was active on JCF in the early 2000s. I refuse to believe he is confusing the DK2LE with the DK2M.

    Pic of a stock DK2M Snow White for illustrative purposes. A local one, without case, appeared for CAD$450 (USD$336) and I'm trying to talk myself out of buying it on account of its higher-than-Deal-Alert price and the fact that someone swapped out the original Duncans for EMG-85b/EMG-81n and also, bizarrely, swapped out the original JT580LP for its OEM version (Takeuchi TRS-Pro) which makes no sense to me.

  • #2
    I really do like the non black head stock. It looks great on black or white even. Generally I prefer matching...

    Sorry this doesn't help you but you've piqued my interest on one of these.


    • #3
      That was definitely part of the appeal. They got a lot of things right with that variant of the DK2M. If it had a 1000 Series Floyd for the time, it would have been even better... and possibly as damn near perfect as a late-model Japanese Pro Series could get. But none of the Japanese Dinky models ever received a 1000 Series Floyd as it was only reserved for certain Pro Series Soloists and Pro Series Rhoads towards the end of Japanese production.

      I dug back in my posting history and was surprised to discover I actually posted a Deal Alert for a DK2M in my city and I never acted on it personally. Now I wish I grabbed it, considering the new one that appeared locally today is more expensive and in worse condition. I think I will pass on the new one.


      • #4
        I have a White Bengal DK2M. The paint fades from white to yellow in the center of the body. It came with factory EMG81b/85n and a separate battery box installed. The paint job is gorgeous and it looks terrific. But I'm more of a passive pickup player. I will try swapping, and have an EMG60 for the neck as well.

        Oddly, I have an RR24M with a lone EMG81 in the bridge, and I really like how that one sounds. So much for the saying "EMG's sound the same in all guitars".

        FWIW, there was a regular yellow Bengal and also a blue Bengal. There is no paint fading on these ones.


        • #5
          The TRS-Pro has a different tone from the 580LP. The Killer I had some years ago had a TRS-Pro on it, and it reminded me a lot of Surfing with the Alien.
          The 580LP seems a bit weaker in tone, and notes seem to die off sooner and don't degenerate into that rounded harmonic mode like the TRS-Pro.
          Last edited by Newc; 01-05-2019, 11:56 AM.
          I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

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          • #6
            I have owned 3 Dinkys. I had the Bullseye version of this model. I think I sold it to someone here. Dinky's are dependable, affordable, and never met one that I didn't like. I have only gotten rid of my Dinkys to "spread the love" and I know they are not all that uncommon. I now have another Dinky and I'm in the process of selling it to my high school best friend in need.
            I have a Charvel Fusion Special that is close to a Dinky but due to the scale, it plays a little better. Since my wife bought it, it will never leave.


            • #7
              OK, so there are three JCF veterans posting above me, none of whom acknowledged, let alone can corroborate, Ron's claim that the DK2M was influenced by JCF. Maybe Ron was indeed confusing the DK2M with the DK2LE.

              Originally posted by EntrailsOfU View Post
              you've piqued my interest on one of these.
              Here's one in your country that I just found, for USD$175 + $30 shipping (Deal Alert pricing).


              • #8
                Perhaps he meant the maple board from the '04ish LE inspired the '06 DK2M's.
                I don't recall a DK2 with a maple board before the LE, so it may've planted a seed at Fender.
                96xxxxx, 97xxxxx and 98xxxxx serials oftentimes don't indicate '96, '97 and '98.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Number Of The Priest View Post
                  OK, so there are three JCF veterans posting above me, none of whom acknowledged, let alone can corroborate, Ron's claim that the DK2M was influenced by JCF. Maybe Ron was indeed confusing the DK2M with the DK2LE.

                  Here's one in your country that I just found, for USD$175 + $30 shipping (Deal Alert pricing).
                  Ughhh.. I don't need another guitar but for that price WITH a case (not full hard shell, so what) and it says upgraded Dunkans (lmao) how could I not?!


                  • #10
                    I've got a DK2M just like the pic. Paid $499 for it on a blowout from MF. It easily puts guitars costing twice as much to shame...


                    • #11
                      Dayton OH craigs had a black one for $325 or $350 I think.


                      • #12
                        I had DK2LE #7 and sold it and have been trying to get it back. These guitars are super rare now. I fucking suck!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by slayer View Post
                          I had DK2LE #7 and sold it and have been trying to get it back. These guitars are super rare now. I fucking suck!!

                          there is one on eBay right now


                          • #14
                            I love a DK2M, me. Picked up the white one new in 2008, which sparked my love for maple fretboards and dinkies in general. I grabbed the black one as an eBay bargain in 2013. I've also got one of the newer Mexican ones, so that's three maple fretboard DKs. I like to refer to them collectively as Team Spandex. I'm often tempted to expand the team.

                            I like maple fretboards. :P


                            • #15
                              I had a 2 humbucker one in a blue bengal finish that I wish I had never sold.

