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Soon-to-be new acquisitions

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  • #16
    Re: Soon-to-be new acquisitions

    Looks like a pretty nice guitar. The six pack looks pretty good as well!


    • #17
      Re: Soon-to-be new acquisitions

      That's a sharp looking Ravelle you traded him. (It's up on his site). How was it? I might be interested....


      • #18
        Re: Soon-to-be new acquisitions

        The Ravelles are nice. I like the cherryburst (I think it's cherryburst anyway) better though. They're like LPs but with thinner necks. That guitar is essentially brand new; as close to mint as possible. I bought it new, owned it for about 6 months, and it never left my house. If he is including the case that is a good deal.


        • #19
          Re: Soon-to-be new acquisitions

          I got the guitars yesterday. Here are my initial impressions:

          Gibson WRC: has issues: bad finish checking (I knew about this going in), Kahler floyd-licensed trem (Spyder I think) does not stay in tune (i think this is easily remedied; just haven't had time to mess with it yet) and the bar works its way loose just like in the Kahler Steeler I have. However, it plays nice (will be better after I tweak the setup), all the electronics work, and it is capable of a wide range of usable sounds. Plus it's a little chunk of history!

          Chandler: The locknut is rear mounted and was installed crooked so there are slight intonation issues especially at the lower frets. There is a high fret that needs to be filed down causing fretting out of whole-step bends on the high strings at the 12th fret. Other than that it is a nice axe. Has a great sounding neck pup, nice feeling neck, gold OFR.

          Jackson Shattered Glass SL2H: Kicks ASSSSSSSS!! This is a brand new (I think it's an '01 but is in dead mint condition) guitar that was pretty much perfect right out of the box. This made the whole deal worthwhile. Did I mention that it KICKS ASSSSS!!! One more thing: the shattered glass finish looks 1000% better in person. I will try to get a better picture and post it. The blues are much deeper than in any pics I have ever seen of this finish on the 'net.

          Overall I'm happy with the trade. I traded 3 guitars that were just sitting in their cases (2 were imports) for a dead mint Soloist that will become one of my main players, and 2 other guitars that will be at worst more usable to me than the ones I traded.


          • #20
            Re: Soon-to-be new acquisitions

            AC: thanks for the tip on the star wrench for the lock nut.

