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J/C Guitars - "Dated" or "Classic"?

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  • J/C Guitars - "Dated" or "Classic"?

    So I was showing a co-worker one of my customs the other day and, with faux-mocking laughter, the first statement out of his mouth was "dude, that is soooo 80s". My reaction was "uhm, yeah McFly, that's exactly what I was going for when I spec'd it."

    A couple of days later, I was noodling around with some guitars in my bedroom. I turned to my wife, pointed at them, and said "what do you think of the designs"? She looked at the three guitars on their stands are said (in order) "modern, classic, and dated".

    Now let me preface this with I couln't give two s**ts what others think of my guitars - I enjoy them, and that's all that matters to me. Nonetheless, these two conversations did get my curiosity factor going. I mean, when does "modern" become "dated"? And when does a "dated" design become "classic" to people? And, by "people", I mean how the rest of the world views these things - not us guitarists.

    Pull a random person off a street, show them a Fender Strat, and many will say "classic". Same thing for a Les Paul. ...But show them a Jackson or Charvel and....what???

    Haven't we hit the plateua to cross over to "classic" yet? Or maybe designs associated with "80s hair bands" will always have a stigma attached to them? 20 -25 years later, I don't think so. And, yet, the more I thought about it, it seemed that some J/C designs have moved along this evolution more than others. Again, in others' eyes, I mean. The general public.

    Charvel superstrats - These were the originals and benefit from having the longest time to "age" in the public eye, if you will. They also benefit from their similarity (in body design) to the Strat. With a few exceptions (ex. animal print graphics), I think they may have just recently crested over to "classic" in the past couple of years. Just starting.

    Jackson Soloists and Dinkys - Again, close body design similarities to the Strat, but the sharkfins, etc. mean they're a bit more removed than the Charvies. Close, but not quite as close. These designs haven't hit "classic" yet. Very near the top of the hill, but not quite over it yet. Maybe they'll hit that plateua in, like, 2 to 5 years-ish.

    King Vs, Rhoads, Kellys, Stars - Unfortunately, still "dated". Halfway up the hill, maybe. Still got a ways to go. The above two will have to be firmly in "classic" land before folks might even consider broadening their horizons to other iconic J/C designs as "classic" too. Or, like Gibby Explorers and Vs, maybe they'll never totally get there? Just kind of "classic", but without general acceptance by a wide audience.

    Warriors - More associated with early 90s, IMHO. Trailing up the rear. Might never get there. Way "dated" still.

    What do you think?
    Last edited by shreddermon; 11-17-2006, 01:02 PM.

  • #2
    i play out with my jackson's all the time. a lot of guitarist will come up and comment on my 80's guitars when i play my soloists. when i am using my PC-1s, they comment: "when did jackson make a classic guitar?" or "hey!! they one is actually nice!!"

    i think it is the pointy head thing. most people are surprised when i tell them ALL my jackson's are NEW, CURRENT model guitars. most think they are out of business.

    people associate these guitars with hair bands. i always did. i HATED jacksons because of the headstock shape and silly paint jobs.

    then i played one.

    then i bought one. NOT because i play rock. but because i didn't have to mod it at all.

    i am talking about USA select guitars.

    personally i don't think jackson will EVER be considered classic because it is so closely attached to a period of music that most consider the epitome of cheesiness.

    some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

    some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

    and finally....

    i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


    • #3
      Cool topic. If anyone tells me my Warriors are dated, they get poked in the eye with one of their five sharp ponts!
      "Got a crazy feeling I don't understand,
      Gotta get away from here.
      Feelin' like I shoulda kept my feet on the ground
      Waitin' for the sun to appear..."


      • #4
        Originally posted by charvel750 View Post
        If anyone tells me my Warriors are dated, they get poked in the eye with one of their five sharp ponts!
        What's a pont?
        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


        • #5
          I actually get paid to make arguments like this (seriously). The problem is, there's nothing really new under to sun. This is our whole culture, retro-everything. What's in/out now, will be in/out later. Chicks are wearing legwarmers again.

          Your wife had it exactly right except for the middle part. Modern, as in the 80s wasn't so long ago. Dated, things get dated almost instantly. I'm an old fart because I'm listening to System of a Down, my "new" discovery.

          In other words, styles seem to recycle quickly with very few changes. People should pay more attention to excellence and quality over style.

          I should add that all the 20 year olds playing Gibson SGs and Fender Teles on stage bore me to death.


          • #6
            Forget about the 80's - I want to go back to '95 when you could pick up a 80's anything for half a song and a badly timed jig.
            Blank yo!


            • #7
              I think the difference between classic and dated is that a classic will stand the test of time and still be relevant. Dated tends to look old and its relevance seems to be confined to the original time period. Jeans and a t-shirt are classic. Parachute pants are dated. Not everything becomes classic just because it is old.

              I love my Jackson SL1. For the reasons stated by MarkD I fear that this great guitar may be doomed to be considered dated by the masses. In my own opinion, and I realize this is subjective, I think the black headstocks, other than on the black guitars or certain graphic finishes, help make them look dated. Some people prefer the black headstocks, and specifically because it reminds them of metal's glory days, but in my own opinion I think a matching headstock will stand the test of time better. I'm set either way thought 'cause my SL1 is black.


              • #8
                IMO, the only thing that dates Jacksons are the graphics. Nagal and Beach graphics just scream their age.

                Insert annoying equipment list here....


                • #9
                  20 years does not a classic make. We are going to have to wait another 30 years. Makes no nevermind to me. I'll be dead by then.
                  I am a true ass set to this board.


                  • #10
                    jacksons could be viewed as modern classics IF they were in the hands of players other than metal guys. as it stands jacksons are viewed as "dated" metal guitars. we all know that they are quality instruments, but they are considered metal guitars. if other types of players began using them, jackson would have more credibility.

                    some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

                    some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

                    and finally....

                    i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


                    • #11
                      I believe most Jacksons, specially the esteemed SL-1, look modern even to this day. I've always felt that the SL-1 look is so classy for a guitar that can be so deadly. Looks are certainly deceiving.

                      As for Charvels, BE, HRF, Big Mouth, Rising Sun, etc. graphics are dated. But who gives funk?! That is what they cater to and that is what we want.
                      How about all those people wearing bell bottom jeans? same shit.
                      FMIC is trying to merdinize a sector of the Charvel line with graphic from Mike Learn, etc, That's OK.
                      Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


                      • #12
                        I think that most of Jackson's guitars have an attractive, timeless design. You can tell that they had talented people working them out. The RR is a good example IMO. However, I think it's often the little details that can be the difference between "cool" and "dated". For example, take Hondo's RR-copy. While the body shape is rather faithfully copied, the awful tri-lam pickguard with those giant screws totally ruins it, making it look dated as hell.


                        • #13
                          I second the "attractive, timeless design" statement.

                          I especially like the typical Jackson neck... pointy head with ebony board, MOP sharkfins and binding. It just looks classy and never gets old.

                          All these korean import models from other manufacturers that are plastered with blingbling abalone will never become classics, just dated.


                          • #14
                            I'm ready to call the RR Vs classics (Pause while putting on safety googles) but I think the warrior style is dated. The super-strats are just that, the modern epitome of the strat design.


                            • #15
                              I think: "Who cares what you think, I love my guitars".
                              Hardware: all black, all the time.

