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Im new here. Account finally activated! SWEET!!!

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  • #16


    • #17
      Make sure Images are enabled in your user profile.

      Come to think of has been difficult even for me to get images up.
      I think the powers that run this forum are busy trying to save space.

      Let me try a "local" posting.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	Aria 5522.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	84.6 KB
ID:	2446830

      OK, that appeared to work.
      Observe the recommended maximum file size and it should work right from your computer.

      That guitar happens to be an old Aria LP, my first meaningful player.
      I left one behind many...many years ago and was shocked to find another.
      I had to get it.
      Last edited by Cygnus X1; 12-01-2012, 10:51 PM.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Nightbat View Post
        did your parents ever mention what happened to the previous 5 Brandons?
        Good one
        "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


        • #19
          You can put the image on some crappy image dump like photobucket, imgyur or whatever. Then get the link URL and use the Insert Image from URL option in the post.


          • #20

            Clicking this link takes me to the catalog of photos. I don't use photobucket but maybe someone whoc does can help with how to link a single picture.

            Sweet guitar.


            • #21
              Immediately on the right there is an Image Links section. If you click the IMG code option it will copy it and you can paste it directly into to your post. It will work here because it supports the IMG code tag.


              • #22
                The previous 5 from the syntho womb were seen as inferior

                They were fed to the sixth clone because they played Ibanez.......KIDDING!!! I have an Ibanez.
                Originally posted by RacerX View Post
                Good one


                • #23
                  Thank you so much! I have wanted a guitar like this since I was 8 years old. I narrowed it down. Kramer Nightswan, Alvarez Dana Scoop, Whatever the hell Adrian Vandenbug was using in whitesnake when I was a wee pup. All of CC Deville's closet Queens. Chuck Shuldiner's awesome sounding axes. At the age of 11 I settled on this one. I finally got it!

                  Originally posted by DonP View Post

                  Clicking this link takes me to the catalog of photos. I don't use photobucket but maybe someone whoc does can help with how to link a single picture.

                  Sweet guitar.


                  • #24
                    NIC SCORE!! My first bass ever was an Aria Pro. Gotta love Cliffy. Thats a sweet geet there son. Theres something about getting that first one back. Thank you for posting that. Now Im GASing for one of those.
                    Originally posted by Cygnus X1 View Post
                    Make sure Images are enabled in your user profile.

                    Come to think of has been difficult even for me to get images up.
                    I think the powers that run this forum are busy trying to save space.

                    Let me try a "local" posting.

                    OK, that appeared to work.
                    Observe the recommended maximum file size and it should work right from your computer.

                    That guitar happens to be an old Aria LP, my first meaningful player.
                    I left one behind many...many years ago and was shocked to find another.
                    I had to get it.
                    Last edited by Brandon 6; 12-02-2012, 10:48 PM.


                    • #25
                      I originally owned an ESP MII Deluxe from 88-89? ESP couldnt be sure because apparently all of their records were burned in a fire??? However, That Jackson Soloist of mine blows it away in so many ways. I currently have that said Jackson (more will come) and an ESP LTD M 1000 Deluxe (failed in my guitar shootout vs my Jackson), a few Hamer 4 string basses and a Hamer USA 12-string bass. I could lose all except my Jackson Soloist and my 12 string bass and be happy. About my Aria Pro bass... I loaned it to a friend and never saw it again...UGH!!! But this Jackson is prompting the sale of my ESP LTD Deluxe for a Jackson Dinky from the same era. My first real guitar was a Jackson Dinky that to this day I still cant trace the model but it blew away my old BC Rich Gunslinger. I think it was a one-off from Thouroughbred Music in Tampa, FL.


                      • #26
                        Nice Soloist! My blue Pro is my favorite Jackson. Sold my USA because I didn't like the feel as much as my Pro. Never seen one in that yellow before. Nice score!
                        Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by RacerX View Post
                          ESP convert, yay!
                          I don't know why i hate ESP so much...!!

                          Jackson KV2 Blue Ghost Flames
                          Jackson DK1 Lightning Sky



                          • #28
                            Argh! Yellow!!!!

                            Says I with 2 yellow Jems!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by shramiac View Post
                              Argh! Yellow!!!!

                              Says I with 2 yellow Jems!

                              HAHAHA!! To be honest, that color had to grow on me. I didn't know if I liked it at first but the more I played it, the more I liked how unashamedly 1990 it looks .


                              • #30
                                Man i hate yellow guitars but that sucker is SWEET! welcome to jcf

