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Various high end amp clips

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  • Various high end amp clips

    I was looking around for sound samples of amps cuz Im looking for a nice valve head in the future and came across this:

    I was more interested in the clips than the product since Im a bachelor and a home owner so I can play as loud as I damn well please, but the axetrack looks like a cool piece of equipment as well. Anyway thought this would be useful for people shopping around for their tone. To bad I'll never afford a Mesa! For me its between the XXX and JCM(probably the 800).

    Granted, Marshall's MG100HDfx head sucks, but what about the 4x12 cab for it? Lets say I could get that cab(MG412) for cheap then hook a decent tube head to it? Bad idea?
    Pointy guitars KICK ASS!!

  • #2
    when i was using marshall 4x12 cabs, i favored the marshall 8412 which was the valvestate cab. i LOVED it. it was smalller and deeper, and i thought it sounded WAY better than a 1960.

    you MAY want to swap out the speakers in the MG cab. also check and make sure an 800 or XXX will fit on top.

    to me, the cab seems well built. i personally would change the speakers though.

    some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

    some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

    and finally....

    i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


    • #3
      Can't afford a Mesa? Single Rec head goes for $999 new.


      • #4
        Cool, thanks for the link. Although i expected to see/hear clips of Bogner, Diezel, Soldano and the likes (at least that's what i think when i hear high end amps.)

        Spivonious it always depends where you live. Here in germany the single rectifier costs $2459 which is not cheap. If JacksonWarrior lives anywhere in europe i guess he doesn't get the amp cheaper.


        Thrash/Death-Metal from Germany


        • #5
          watch out with the mg412 cab, I read a lot of reviews saying that if you hook up a 100 watt tube head, the speakers will blow pretty quickly because it only handles 120 watts, leaving very little headroom. also, it may start farting palm mutes. I'd say go for a peavey cabinet. I've got a discontinued peavey ms412 cab with 300 watt handling and Sheffield speakers... look around on ebay for one cheap. I got mine new old stock for $500.
          "Better to Die Quickly Fighting on Your Feet
          Than to Live Forever Begging on You Knees."-LoG

          Dimebag Darrell
          Chuck Schuldiner
          Cliff Burton


          • #6
            Thanks for the link! This undoubtedly gives you an idea of what each amp will sound like.

            ...even though a lot of the clips had extremely craptacular tone. :P
            A lot of them sounded muffled.


            • #7
     has excellent sound clips of their amps. Probably the best I've heard on the net. Check it out.



              • #8
                Originally posted by Sunbane View Post
                Thanks for the link! This undoubtedly gives you an idea of what each amp will sound like.

                ...even though a lot of the clips had extremely craptacular tone. :P
                A lot of them sounded muffled.

                +1 ... To me it sounded exactly what it is ... a recording of each amp driving a 6" speaker.

                The bass clips, on the other hand, sounded very good.



                • #9
                  Our other guitarist had to play through a MG412 cab at a recent gig.
                  Let's just say, he has never had such bad tone as on this evening.

                  He plays an ENGL Blackmore (which in my book is indeed a decent tube amp)... I guess he can consider himself lucky that he didn't blow the speakers. Compared to a decent 4x12 cab the MG412 was like a toy.
                  It also was so small that we didn't dare to put the Blackmore head on top of it.


                  • #10
                    Clips can be cool. But, I really wouldnt stake an amps rep on them. I have recorded enough to find that mic placement, mic brand/model, and use of multi mic at various placements and inverted phases, will TOTALLY alter an amp to sound like NOTHING it ever sounded like in person.

                    An amp that sounds awesome when heard in person, can sound like ass when recorded badly, and an amp that sounds like ass in person, can be made to sound godlike on tape.

                    Take procuder Andy Sneap for instance when contemplating the latter, that dude can make crap sounds like gold.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Cleveland Metal View Post
                      Take procuder Andy Sneap for instance when contemplating the latter, that dude can make Krank sounds like gold.

                      However, making a great amp sound like shit is way easier than making a crappy amp sound good.


                      • #12
                        Yeah I agree, a few of the clips were pretty muddy but they still give an idea. And Id deff. want to play the amp before making a decision. A couple of those are "high end" to me cuz Im poor white trash. I'd be happy with something like a XXX or something comparable. Anyone have "good" clips of amps in that price range?
                        Pointy guitars KICK ASS!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
                          Can't afford a Mesa? Single Rec head goes for $999 new.

                          Nope. More like $1200.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by sworn_enemy View Post
                            Nope. More like $1200.
                            Rectifier oversized cabs go for around 400-500 used and 899.99 new. Mesa only allows their dealers to sell their products at fixed prices. A' La No deal making. I bought one about 3 months ago for 899.99 + tax. which was ~980.00.

                            BTW, after trying Peavey, VHT, Marshall and a few other brand names, Boogie was the way to go for a 4x12. They seemed to have a much better bottom end that didn't break up a higher volumes. Boogie oversized basically crushed the competition. If you want smaller, go for a Genz-Benz GFlex 2x12's They have a lot of nutz for a 2x12 cab.

                            Last edited by nateb; 01-24-2007, 05:53 PM.
                            Insert annoying equipment list here....

