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Tell me about the Line6 Toneport UX1!

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  • Tell me about the Line6 Toneport UX1!

    I have found one at a great price, but how does it work, compared to the guitarport?
    Does it work with the rifftracker program, and would it be compatible with my band mates rifftracker/guitarport setup, so we can send each other song ideas and such?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • #2
    I have a Toneport UX1. I'm not sure what rifftracker is tbh, but what Toneport is good for is recording into actual multitrack programs. They're a great piece of kit if you ask me. They work similair to guitarport I think... you plug your guitar/mic in, and then launch the Gearbox software were you can select from a range of amps/cabs/effects etc. Once you've got your tone, launch a music creation app such as Cubase/Cakewalk/Live, etc, set the input from the Toneport and record songs!

    Monitoring is via headphones but theres also stereo analogue outs so you can monitor with a hifi rig I'd guess (never tried it).

    Just basically think of it like a mini-studio, or something :p

    Oh, and you can send your friend song ideas by simply recording into a music app (you get Ableton Live 5 Lite with it), save it to mp3, and then send him it.

    Hope this helps.. I can try and answer any other questions you might have..


    • #3
      Ok, that cleared things up at bit, and i know what you mean about using any program, but the rifftracker thing is made by line 6, and my friend already uses it, so if the toneport was comptible with the rifftracker software if would be really easy to change stuff in the recorded songs and so, because it already have some trumbeats and stuff so you just choose how may times every riff will be played (if my explanation makes any sence? :P), if it is not compatible with the same rifftracker program i would rather spend a little more and get the guitarport.


      • #4
        I just realised that the rifftracker software is not avaible separatly, just with the guitarport, so that means i have to get the guitarport/rifftracker combo anyway i think.
        I thought i remember hearing that you could buy just rifftracker, but i suppose i was wrong.
        Well, thanks anyway!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mystique7 View Post
          Monitoring is via headphones but theres also stereo analogue outs so you can monitor with a hifi rig I'd guess (never tried it).

          Oh, and you can send your friend song ideas by simply recording into a music app (you get Ableton Live 5 Lite with it), save it to mp3, and then send him it.
          A friend bought me the UX1 for Christmas of '05. Mine came with Ableton Live Lite 4 (Line 6 Edition). I guess they upgraded it. It's cool, but I really haven't even recorded anything with it yet. I'm too lazy to read through the stupid online manual and figure it out.
          I just plug my guitar into the Tone Port, use the Gear Box software and just play through an old set of computer speakers... I have a 1/4" headphone adapter hooked onto the 1/8" speaker jack so I don't have to use headphones.
          I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


          • #6
            Yeah it comes with Live Lite 4 but you can download a free upgrade to Live Lite 5.

            I've recorded a few bits and bobs with it and it works great. I've listened to what some other people have managed fairly simply with it, and it sounds very professional imo.
            Last edited by Mystique7; 01-24-2007, 08:13 AM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Mystique7 View Post
              Yeah it comes with Live Lite 4 but you can download a free upgrade to Live Lite 5.

              I've recorded a few bits and bobs with it and it works great. I've listened to what some other people have managed fairly simply with it, and it sounds very profession imo.
              Cool. I'll have to look into the upgrade and start getting into it a little more than I have.
              I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.

