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Tech21 Modeling Amps...TM60

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  • Tech21 Modeling Amps...TM60

    OK, obviously I am on the amp hunt!!

    I have been listening to about a gagillion amp clips online. I know that they are not the perfect way to buy an amp...but you can at least get the idea.

    So far I have found that the two modeling amps that BY FAR the best strictly by lisetning to the clips on the manufacturer's websites are the Tech 21 TM60, which I think sounds the best of all actually, and the Hughes and Kettner ZenTera. The H&K is way too expensive. The Tech 21 is right in my range. Has anyone played one of these? Own one? I mean, the clips sound so much better than the Vox and Line 6 stuff that I wonder if they used a real tube amp to record the sounds. I will say that the Line 6 clips are the worst..and I know those amps sound good. They need a new set of clips tp say the least....

    Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.

  • #2
    Re: Tech21 Modeling Amps...TM60

    Mike I had a TM60 for about a year and played the thing all the time. I sold it to buy my second Univalve.

    There are a lot of good sounds in the Tech21, especially in the clean - dirty territory. I always had a tough time with the super heavy sounds, it sounded too fake to my ears. But if BillZBub death dealin' ain't your thing you will probably like this amp. The reverb is killer, BTW.

    Van Halenish tones and all of 80's hard rock are in there, it just takes a bit of fiddlin' to find them. The controls are extremely sensitive and interactive, so a boost here does a cut there and so forth. Bitchin' little amp, honestly.

    I don't think the TM60 is a modeling amp...I wouldn't call it one, anyway. This may be right up your alley - good tones at low volume, nice design, REVERB, and you can loop your effects.
    Tarbaby Fraser.


    • #3
      Re: Tech21 Modeling Amps...TM60

      That's what I appreciated about those things, they weren't a "modeling" amp. Just an amp with some DSP oriented distortion...

      Pretty cool for the price really. Some good sounds in them.


      • #4
        Re: Tech21 Modeling Amps...TM60

        [ QUOTE ]
        Mike I had a TM60 for about a year and played the thing all the time. I sold it to buy my second Univalve.

        There are a lot of good sounds in the Tech21, especially in the clean - dirty territory. I always had a tough time with the super heavy sounds, it sounded too fake to my ears. But if BillZBub death dealin' ain't your thing you will probably like this amp. The reverb is killer, BTW.

        Van Halenish tones and all of 80's hard rock are in there, it just takes a bit of fiddlin' to find them. The controls are extremely sensitive and interactive, so a boost here does a cut there and so forth. Bitchin' little amp, honestly.

        I don't think the TM60 is a modeling amp...I wouldn't call it one, anyway. This may be right up your alley - good tones at low volume, nice design, REVERB, and you can loop your effects.

        [/ QUOTE ]

        Yeah, I think this is the one for me. They are available for a nice price on E-Bay too. Plus, Tech 21 has that powered speaker cabinet 1x12 deal that goes well with these..and would go well with my V-Amp me all kinds of available tones for about a $500 investment (buying both on E-bay). I think I am going to try one of these. I really dig the sound clips from the site and, no, I don't do Uber Death type tones..I like creamy distortion, which is what I heard on their website..especially this clip:

        This is basically the tone I have in my head when I play guitar, really.

        Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


        • #5
          Re: Tech21 Modeling Amps...TM60

          Tech 21 stuff is awesome! I've got a Tri-A.C. pedal and love the thing... great analog Fender, Marshall and Mesa tones.
          I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


          • #6
            Re: Tech21 Modeling Amps...TM60

            Don't get too excited about the Tech 21 PowerEngine 60. I vibrates like a mother at volume. I sold mine - got tired of it - no amount of screwing around with the chassis made it stop. It's handy for low volume stuff though. Great bedroom amp coupled with a cool preamp.


            • #7
              Tech21 Amps...TM60

              I'm a big fan of Tech 21. I've had the SansAmp GT2, Trademark 10, Trademark 30 and Trademark 60. The 60 is a different animal than the 10 and the 30. It is more focused on those slightly distorted, in-between tones, whereas the 10 and 30 offer higher gain. I discovered this to my surprise after I bought a 60 (thinking it would be a more powerful version of the TM10), then I called Tech 21, and their staff confirmed it. Personally, I prefer the 10 and the 30, as I like the extra gain, but they're all nice amps. Nice people, too.


              • #8
                Re: Tech21 Amps...TM60

                [ QUOTE ]
                I'm a big fan of Tech 21. I've had the SansAmp GT2, Trademark 10, Trademark 30 and Trademark 60. The 60 is a different animal than the 10 and the 30. It is more focused on those slightly distorted, in-between tones, whereas the 10 and 30 offer higher gain. I discovered this to my surprise after I bought a 60 (thinking it would be a more powerful version of the TM10), then I called Tech 21, and their staff confirmed it. Personally, I prefer the 10 and the 30, as I like the extra gain, but they're all nice amps. Nice people, too.

                [/ QUOTE ]

                Thanks for the heads up! I may consider the 30, the clips sounded great for the 30 as well. However, I found the 60 to have palennnty of gain for me as I don't play death metal or thrash or the such. Perhaps it is a headroom issue??

                Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


                • #9
                  Re: Tech21 Amps...TM60

                  I have a Tri-A.C. pedal, and it's super-handy for playing at home and recording ideas on the PC. Sounds good!


                  • #10
                    Re: Tech21 Amps...TM60

                    Hey Chris - I had a pair of PE60's and I found that they were great. I ran my Pox XTL out in stereo at stage volume without any problems. Maybe you got a lemon. The Tech 21 is great modeling in that it' all analog.


                    • #11
                      Re: Tech21 Amps...TM60

                      Got one last far I am impressed. I haven't really had a chance to get it cooking since I was in a hotel room, but the headphone jack really works nicely and even at low volumes the amp has a very nice singing tone.

                      This is a knob twiddler's dream. Very small changes make very large differences. There are about a zillion tones in this thing.

                      Full review to follow a weekend of playing.

                      Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.

