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amp problem.

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  • amp problem.

    I know jack **** about amps. But recently our bandmate's egnater IE4/ mesa 50/50, setup started tweaking out on us.

    The sound doesn't change at all. It still sounds good. But the volume level will just die off while we're playing. what gives? we'd turn it off and back on again and it'd be at the volume level we want it then suddenly it'll just die off and be extremely quiet then even go back up by itself. experts help ASAP!

  • #2
    Re: amp problem.

    I've had this problem off and on for years, and can never seem to track it down. I'm sure it's the same for you as it is for me--intermittent, and completely annoying. Very first thing I've always heard to try for that situation is to change out the cables in your setup. A bad cable can cause some of that volume loss/return. If you have a stereo cab going, try to figure out if it's happening on just one side or both sides, and try swapping all the Left and Right cables. Second thing I think might be worth trying would be to check out the tubes in the setup--most important being the power amp tubes. Next, if you have another preamp and power amp you can get to, try swapping those out...maybe a connection on one of the units is loose. Lastly, that I can think of, is the possibility of an issue with the electricity not being stable, and you might need a voltage regulator, but that's a last-resort kinda thing.

    The hardest thing is the intermittence. I'll think I've found and fixed the problem in my setup, it will be fine for weeks, then start doing it again. So it could take a LOT of time making small changes, playing a good bit, seeing if it happens, making other changes if it still happens, over and over. Hopefully, you'll nail it quickly.

    Good luck!



    • #3
      Re: amp problem.

      That sounds like the power tubes gettin old. Try subbing in some fresh ones see if that fixes the problem.

      [ June 14, 2003, 12:12 PM: Message edited by: eet_fuk_81 ]


      • #4
        Re: amp problem.

        I had this problem with my Mesa Sing Rec Solo head. The problem, believe it or not was a bad "solo" switch in the Mesa pedal.
        Not saying that is your case ,but, just something to think about.-Lou
        " I do not pay women for sex. I pay for them to leave after the sex ". -Wise words of Charlie Sheen

