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Fulltone screwed me!!!

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  • #31
    Re: Fulltone screwed me!!!

    I use the Fatboost also .Great pedal . I have the Full-Drive 2 - another great pedal . However , I also have the Distortion Pro and it sounds awful. I cannot get it to sound any other way than muddy!! No top end .
    I can get a Boss Metalzone to sound way better than this , and that IS a Crap Pedal!!
    Oh stick this in your fuse box ..... Bon Scott


    • #32
      Re: Fulltone screwed me!!!

      I bought it for a lead boost and to get a fatter lead tone. I use my Triple XXX crunch channel for my rythm tone exclusively and it is awesome but I did'nt quite like its lead tone. Mr. Fuller retracted the free upgrade from his sight because he was getting flooded with calls from disatisfied DP-1 customers like me...according to his dealer.That bozo needs to go to business school or something.Now to get the upgrade you must buy a brand new pedal. I will never deal with that kranky Fuller again and neither will about 10 of my guitar playing friends.I buy alot of **** and when i'm impressed with a product alot of my buds go out and buy it....Mr. Fuller lost alot of sales IMHO. [img]graemlins/nono.gif[/img]


      • #33
        Re: Fulltone screwed me!!!

        Mike Fuller always has been a pretty opinionated kinda guy - he pretty much says what he wants, and has for years.

        He's still going to thrive no matter what. I'd suggest selling your distortion pro on the net and getting a DS1 or a TS9. I'd recommend a fulldrive II, but that's a fuller product. It's a great boost, and if you bought it used he wouldn't make a dime off of it. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]



        • #34
          Re: Fulltone screwed me!!!

          Fulltone products are outstanding. As far as customer service, if you act like a dick, then so will he. If he is offering a FREE upgrade and you go on and bash him and his products, why should he help you? Not to mention according to your first post, he said that you needed to ask nicer if he is going to help you..that implies that he was willing. Also a Fulltone distortion pro isn't really meant to be used with a XXX, so I am not surprised that you don't like it. You have to use what suits you. I use a few of his pedals and bought them used. HE still responds promptly and nicely to me.


          • #35
            Re: Fulltone screwed me!!!

            Mc Fu(khead! Bwahahahaha!! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
            I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


            • #36
              Re: Fulltone screwed me!!!

              My Triple X has nothing to do with it....that damn DP-1 sounds like **** thru anything I put it thru.My buddys fender,marshall,carvin,etc. Its nothing but a mud box.I even tried recording it direct in my studio and had the same results.If he stands by his products then why did he retract the free upgrade on his site? "THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT" should be the moto of any reputable merchant and he should stand by his product,period. [img]graemlins/rant.gif[/img]


              • #37
                Re: Fulltone screwed me!!!

                Referring back to your earlier posts, I thought the owner of the shop you bought it from was going to handle this. Why
                haven't you gotten a refund from him? It
                seems he'd have more clout, and you bought it from him, not Fuller, anyway.

                Using Dave's theory, it's easier to pull the guy over the counter and smack him upside the head there in town. Again, he sold it to you, and suddenly knows of a bunch of complaints? Did they all occur at the same time as yours, or over time?
                If he already knew people were complaining, why'd he sell you yours?

                Either way, you bought it locally; get your refund locally. Your local store
                owner can fight Fuller for his money. If
                you truly believe the customer is always right, get your money back at the store.
                Ron is the MAN!!!!


                • #38
                  Re: Fulltone screwed me!!!

                  I see it as common politeness and courtesy - and it's a two way street.

                  Using the McDonalds example - let's make it more like what happened - he got his fries, but he didn't like em. Now, we saw what he posted here - do any of us REALLY think he was polite with Mike in the first place? He went off on Mike about his product, and Mike got pissed.

                  If I went into a McDonalds, got a meal, found out the fries had too much salt and started screaming in the lobby for someone's stupid a$$ to get me some f***ing fries NOW, and how crappy McDonalds was anyways, I would likely get tossed out.

                  Buying someone's product doesn't give you the right to be a jerk. If you want action on any consumer complaint, be nice first... save the anger/accusations for a last resort.



                  • #39
                    Re: Fulltone screwed me!!!

                    Its already a done deal but i'm still pissed at spending $200 on a pedal that is crap and having the manufacturer basically tell me to go "F" myself. I agree with Dave's post 1000%. BTW,I nailed me a Soldano GTO Supercharger and this thing is unreal. Makes me kinda forget about that Fullcrap....ooops,I mean Fulltone pedal I bought. [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]


                    • #40
                      Re: Fulltone screwed me!!!

                      [img]graemlins/rant.gif[/img] "If he is offering a FREE upgrade and you go on and bash him and his products, why should he help you"? Because he is the one paying his way through life. He is offering a "FIX" for a poorly accepted product!

                      "Not to mention according to your first post, he said that you needed to ask nicer if he is going to help you." "Oh gosh Sir I I I'm sorry! I was overreacting. Please Sir could I get your upgrade for that product I bought from you that I am not satisfied with? You know, the one that you had to make a upgrade for because of the overwhelming number of un satisfied customers. ? [img]images/icons/blush.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] OMFG! That would be the day!

                      Put it this way.

                      If you were at a flipping McD's and you sat down with your Happy Meal only to find they forgot to put your Mc fries in the bag, would you not walk back and ask for the fries? And if the little sh!t behind the counter had a problem with your tone and said..."I will give you the fries if you ask me nice"! Would you not grab that little Mc Fu(khead and throttle him? Now that little turd has nothing to loose so you might expect a dumb statement like that from a Mc burger flipper, but the owner of a company?! [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

                      Not me! I think some of you guys are a bit umm? Well for the lack of a better term..."Star struck"? [img]graemlins/rant.gif[/img]


                      • #41
                        Re: Fulltone screwed me!!!

                        Ken, I'll hafta hook you up with my SLO sometime if you like the GTO. [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

