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Ganiac II

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  • Ganiac II

    Anyone here use one?? What power amp do you use it with and what could it be compared to standard amp wise?
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  • #2

    Okay, not total junk, but very mediocre cleans, and the dirty channel is really only usable for rock tones. Trying to get decent high gain tones out of it is a complete fucking waste of time. As the gain goes up, you get this weird hollow filter sound like you've got a wah somewhere in your signal chain stuck on. The "scoop" feature is just stupid. It's basically a reverse mid control. In other words, as you turn it clockwise, it takes mids away. Either way, it's a pretty shit sounding pre-amp. Like I said, I managed to get some pretty good rock tones out of it, but for anything else, save your money.
    Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


    • #3
      Thats pretty much how I felt about the first version. Didnt know if they improved.
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      • #4
        If it's anything like the first one, RUN.


        • #5
          Ive thought about building a rack unit again for the fun of it. I used to have a Digitech Twin Tube GFX-1 and it was pretty decent. I used it as a clean channel only to run a Digitech GNX3 into. I liked it alot, it just became to cumbersome because I had to pack around extension cords and outlet strips because very rarely were there outlets front stage at the places we played. It just made sense after a while just to have everything on the back line. Now I mostly jam out in a studio type setting where it would be cool to have something like that again.
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          • #6
            Sounds like a huge fart IMO.Not very useful.
            Really? well screw Mark Twain.

