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Duncan Distortion neck HB

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  • Duncan Distortion neck HB

    Ok kids, got my zebra SH-6n from ebay yesterday and finally got to install it in my LP tonight (had alot of drinking to do this weekend). Not only does it look bada$$, it sounds awesome too. I had the Duncan Designed HB103 in there, which was supposedly modeled after the distortion. I think that is a load of crap. The DD sounded ok, but a little muddy. The "real" distortion sounds about a gajillion times better. It is definitely a really good "metal riffing pickup!" [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] I can't believe manufacturers actually use those DD pickups....shudder. SO now I have a Duncan Custom in the bridge with the Distortion at the neck and my guitar just screams....everyone should go buy one now!

  • #2
    Re: Duncan Distortion neck HB

    Welcome to my world.


    • #3
      Re: Duncan Distortion neck HB

      I new apost with "Duncan Distortion" in the title would grab your attention!

      I have been slowly converrting my guitars over to Duncan's pickups and I think I am obsessed with that man...he makes great sheet.


      • #4
        Re: Duncan Distortion neck HB

        [ QUOTE ]
        Welcome to my world.

        [/ QUOTE ]
        yeah and my world as well.
        the DD is just the perfect blend of kick ass and tone and has the best snarl i have ever heard in a pup. [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
        If it's not a CHARVEL then i dont want to play it,look at it or even fuckin THINK about it!


        • #5
          Re: Duncan Distortion neck HB

          I just bought a DK2 and I'm thinking of getting one. Problem is, I have a lot of pickups laying around already - 59B, Pearly Gates, Full Shread, TB Screamin' Demon, OBL L500XL - just no Duncan Distorion.

          Have you guys tried any of these?
          Should I sell them and get a Duncan Distortion?
          Some have said older Duncans sound better than newer ones. Any truth to this (should I look for an older on on Ebay?)


          • #6
            Re: Duncan Distortion neck HB

            I had a screamin Demon in my model 4 for a while and it sounded good. I swapped it into my Lp and it sounded really good too, just not quite enough output. If you have a high gain head it probably won't make too much difference, but I am a bedroom player and can't really crank things too much. I have a Distirtion in the neck position, so I can't really comment on how it would sound in the bridge. All of the SD pickups I have tried sound really good, you just have to find the one that gets YOUR sound. I would try each of the ones you have first, if they don't do it for you, you can easily sell them in herew or on the bay and get enough dough to try something else. YOu can even trade them straight up alot of the time.


            • #7
              Re: Duncan Distortion neck HB

              [ QUOTE ]
              Welcome to my world.

              [/ QUOTE ]
              My world is a DiMarzio Super Distortion and Super 2. They still want to meet your Duncans in the parking lot... let's rumble!! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
              I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


              • #8
                Re: Duncan Distortion neck HB

                The Super Distortion is a great suggestion too. My favorite band is Iron Maiden, and I'm pretty sure they used Super D's.

                I also like Lynch, and was told he used DD's before the Screamin.

                decisions decisions....


                • #9
                  Re: Duncan Distortion neck HB

                  I'll go for a Distorsion in the bridge on my model 4... With a JB jr in the middle and a custom staggered or hot stack in the neck... I've never heard any of the pickups though hehe... How is the output on the Jc50 compared to the Duncan Distortion?
                  Congrats on your pickup change! I wish I had experience with that, it seems complicated.


                  • #10
                    Re: Duncan Distortion neck HB

                    I'd put the JB jr in the neck slot...I swear that is the best sounding SC-sized HB for the neck position that I have ever heard. Seriously-it gives a nice fat sound...a really huge, fat, Cartman on weightgainer 4000 beefcake sound. I put one in my model 4 mutt project and when I play it I don't want to put the guitar down. If the regular JB pup wasn't so much hotter than the CUstom in my LP (another fantastic choice) I would have gotten that instesad of the DIstortion.

                    Pott, switching pickups is about the easiest procedure I can think of...if you know how to solder. It just takes a bit of time because you have to either detune or remove the strings in most cases to preven scratching up your guitar. Wiring the guitar for different pickup combos is a whole other strory, but basically all you have to do is unsolder the old pickup, and solder the new pups wires where the old ones were. Maybe a half hour of total time if you are really careful. Those of us that have done it alot can probably do a swap in 10-15 minutes.


                    • #11
                      Re: Duncan Distortion neck HB

                      I hate humbuckers in the neck [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] Well I don't but I prefer single coils.

                      Whenever I :
                      1) know how to play better
                      2) have the pickups (i.e the money)
                      and 3) have the soldering Iron,
                      I promise I'll ask hehe [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] cheers for the advise.

                      By the way, would it be useful to change the pickups but stay with the same 40 watts peavey envoy amps, or will I not notice much of a difference?


                      • #12
                        Re: Duncan Distortion neck HB

                        you could be playing through a K-mart amp and you will notice a difference. Those Peavey SS amps are actually pretty good sounding amps in their class, IMO. I am only playing through a 65 watt Fender SS amp (or my old GIbson tube amp) with a Boss distortion pedal-about as basic as a setup gets-and I can tell a difference. Higher quality pickups almost always equal better tone.


                        • #13
                          Re: Duncan Distortion neck HB

                          I also love the Duncan Distortion. I like alot of pickups and the DD is in the top 5!! Jack.


                          • #14
                            Re: Duncan Distortion neck HB

                            the duncan distortion rocks!! I have one on my warlock and i drop tune to B and sounds brutal i wanted to know, how the JB would sound in a neck thru body, all mahogany, ebony fretboard bc rich warlock, cuz JB's sound great on some guitars but like crap on others...

