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Power Brakers?

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  • Power Brakers?

    I was just reading the amp volume thread and I came across people mentioning amp breakers. From what i gatherd these lower the wattage (and volume) of an amp. I've never heard of these before but one of themwould be real handy for my 100w JCM900. Can anyone give me some more info on them, like how much are they, are they easy to install? what wattage can you lower your to? do they affect your tone?


  • #2
    Re: Power Brakers?

    Well, "Power Brake" is a Marshall model of one of the units you are referring to. Generally, they referred to as speaker attenuators.

    I would look to a better quailty unit than the power brake. ESPECIALLY since you're talking JCM 900 Marshall here. They don't exactly have the most durable transformer in them, and a Power Brake may send it into meltdown.

    Palmer boxes and Hot plates come to mind. Marshall used to make a great one called an SE-100 that was pretty decent quality also.

    The speaker output from your amp goes INTO this "resistive load" box and lowers the wattage that the speaker sees to a more listenable level. The benefit is that it is allowing you to get some tube saturation distortion at acceptable volumes.


    • #3
      Re: Power Brakers?

      I think the good ones have something or other called an "inductive load" and that is why they are "better" than the Power Brake. I had a THD Hot Plate. I have no idea what it did, but it worked, and my Twin didn't explode.


      • #4
        Re: Power Brakers?

        Mmm do they work on combo's? How much are these things and where can you buy them? Online would be preferable as I live in Ireland


        • #5
          Re: Power Brakers?

          Marshall pb100 Power Brake is $329.99 US from


          • #6
            Re: Power Brakers?


            They work on combos as long as you can unplug your speakers, and they are on a 1/4 jack. You run a SPEAKER cable from your amps's speaker out to the attenuator, then plug your speakers into the attenuator.

            Make sure it is a speaker cable, NOT a guitar cable.


            • #7
              Re: Power Brakers?


              WARNING give one a try BUT,

              Your amp will sound the same with or without one .... BAD.
              And You could blow it up. And then spent a bunch of cash getting a new high-end transformer[s]

              And the amp will still sound ....... bad.

              If Your quest is to improve your tone with a Marsahll Power Brake....It Can't be done.

              I also have owned a 900 series 100 Watt and the power amp tone( Big Tube tone) is flat out repulsive. Sterile Anemic etc. No Mojo, not even with a prayer or great tubes or a miracle or proper mouth postion.

              The Marshall will do the job, and the varying degree of attenuation is nice (3 db per notch) They are the worst sounding of all Attenuators available on the market. I highly suggest getting a Hot Plate to save yourself some $$ down the road.

              With any attenuator you can hose the transfomers and I have done it twice! $$$$$$

              But If you can get one used, go ahead but Please don't buy it NEW.

              I have learned from experience and just want to save you the heartbreak and hassle of an impending future upgrade!

              Rockman Power Soak ... If you worship Boston

              Marshall Power Brake ... If You worship Megadeath


              Yes! Nada Brahama .... "worship great tone"
              Marshall SE 100;$$$ Out of production.
              But Great! They used Groove
              tubes' SE license.

              THD Hot plates; $$ Great features many models.Go with this one. Great company.Superior service.

              Groove Tubes SE2 Speaker emulator; $$$$

              Has a Parallel effects loop! Only half power attenuation available. But, it has a speaker cabinet emulators. Used buy many pros live.

              Take a High end amp [SLO 100] and plug one of these in Run a Eventide Harmonizer in the series amp loop and run your reverb,in the SE 2. PARADISE

              Kendrick Power Glide!! ;$$$$

              Supreme transparent tone! Simply divine attenuations. I believe this design is by Ken Fisher of TrainWreck. Sounds and feels great with an old Marshall Plexi.

              I don't know much about the Palmer or maybe Bob Bradshaw makes something now. He has used The SE 2 in designing many world class rigs!

              Here is the progression in a nut shell,

              You get one, try it,
              then get another amp, then try that,
              then get a different attenuator
              then you will be happy for a while.

              Numerous friends have purchased 900 series Marshalls and always asked what they could do to improve the sound, feel, tone of the amp.

              After every kind of attempt that answer is the same........................... nothing.

              Marshall should refund millions because they have duped thousands into buying name brand products that are half quality.



              • #8
                Re: Power Brakers?


                I was asked by Marshall to let you know that the JCM900 dealership license you have been looking for just came through. Thanks for your continued interest in the 900 series!! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                Seriously, I've never been a fan of the 900 either. It sounded "fizzy" compared to other amps I tried. Almost like it is emulating a Marshall (if that makes any sense).


