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Metal dome case feet thingies

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  • Metal dome case feet thingies

    I've got one of these rectangular cases with the round J/C logo. One of the metal dome feet is sheared off, with a small bit of torn out plastic missing. Can this be repaired, or am I S/O/L? This damage is kind of annoying because the case flips over whenever I set it down.
    "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
    - Ken M

  • #2
    I'd also be interested in what people have done to repair their cases. I have more than a few cases with busted metal dome case feet thingies. So annoying, but I don't want to replace five or six cases with $$$ I can use for more guitars.


    • #3
      Some guy on fleabay sells them 4 to a set. As for the torn material, one might try a car body type fiberglass. I actually need a set too for the same problem. I just haven't done it yet.
      here's the link I found:
      "illegal downloading saved people from having to buy that piece of shit you tried to pass off as music" - Nighbat

